Chapter 41

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(A/N: Kay guys, I'm thinking of ending the book at this chapter, there will be a sequel of course,
Of course
Why wouldn't there be
So don't fret if you actually like this book LOL
Anyway, please enjoy this chapter because I'm expecting it to be a long chapter)

"So, how do we sta-" I cut off Derek and pulled him into a kiss, my arms around his neck. I tried not grimace because his breath was awful, and he kissed rather sloppily. I could feel one of Derek's hands grazing under the top of my dress towards my bra while the other skimmed along my leg, bringing it to his waist. The movement made my dress hike up even more and it took everything I had to not blush and slap him across the face.

'Clint hurry up or I swear to God when I'm done being raped I'm going to hurt you so badly that your ancestors will weep.' I growled in my head.

'You just want him to do it instead' The Voice in my head sniggered.

'If you were a living thing I'd punch you in the face so many times that the doctors would have to replace your whole face. Then I'd brutally hit that face too!'

'That was bad'

I growled mentally at the Voice.

I heard slight movement in the air vents, but Derek didn't seem to notice. Derek's mouth moved to my neck and chose this moment to look around the room to see if I could find Clint if he was in there. I saw something move in the closet and guessed it was him. Derek's back was to the closet thankfully. He had somehow found my soft spot and I let out an unexpected moan that I dreaded. Derek only smirked against my skin and pinned up against the wall. I groaned out of discomfort, but Derek took it as a moan and only pushed against me harder.

"Curly Fries." I growled out.

"Curly Fries? The hell you talkin' about?" Derek growled back, he started to unzip my dress and I could feel it drop to the floor, a couldn't hold back my blush this time.

"Nothing, I just really want Curly Fries." I said.

"That can wait, I really want you right now." Clint stealthily got out of the closet, trying not to look at me, which I was glad about. He pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the back of Derek's head. Clint cocked the gun and Derek stopped his trail of kisses that were leading to my breasts.

"Step away from the lady, and get on your knees, hands behind your head." Clint ordered, keeping his eyes on Derek. Derek stepped away from me and got on his knees, and put his hands behind his head.

"I have guards, they'll be here any-"

"They've been taken out, so don't try." Clint said.

"Look, if this is for the pot, I won't do it any more. And I can get you, money, lots of money." Derek negotiated.

"You do know you can wind up in jail for at least 15 years or more for bribing a government officer?" Clint said.

"Shit, I didn't mean that about the pot, or the money."

"We're taking you back to base to be questioned for helping Lucas Scale, and jailed for bribing government officers and for the illegal use of pot." I said.

"What? You're a cop too?"

"You bet your druggie ass I am." I started slipping my dress back on. "And if that's really how you treat a woman, you deserve everything that's coming to you." I growled.

I finished putting the dress on and yanked Derek's hands behind his back and Clint handed me cuffs. I cuffed him and I led him out of the room to the elevator.

"You took out the cameras right?" I said.

"Yes." Clint responded as he kept his gun handy.

"Good, do he head straight for the base or do we wait?"

"We head out. We'll knock him out, pretend he's drunk and take him to base." Clint said. I nodded.

"Where are you taking me?!" Derek exclaimed.

"Disney World." I said sarcastically. Derek huffed.

"You're a bad kisser by the way." I muttered to Derek, who only glared and looked at the ground. The elevator dinged and we stepped out, Clint leading the way to our room so we could pack up.

"Clint, can you look after him? I need a smoke, and to change." Clint sighed and nodded. Clint un-cuffed Derek and re-cuffed him to the bathroom sink. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes on my bedside table and my lighter, quickly getting the stick of cancer and putting it my mouth and lighting it as I got on the terrorist. I leaned on the guard rail and looked out onto the city. The kept the cigarette in the corner my lips, blowing out the smoke on the other.

Clint stepped out and leaned back on the guard rail.

"You did good." Clint said.

"Thanks. You did to. Glad you came in before he could rape me." Clint smirked.

"Yeah." I blew smoke out of my mouth.

'You should tell him.' The Voice said.

'What? No.'

'When you do, you can just play it off as a joke.'

I looked over at Clint.

"How am I going to repay my hero?" I asked playfully.

"Well, you can start by giving me a kiss." He said jokingly back. I looked away and bit my lip, debating on whether to kiss him or not.

"Hey look, we need to hurry up. So just smoke while getting changed." Clint said. I nodded and went inside, a trail of smoke following me. Clint went into the bathroom where was so I could change. I quickly changed into jeans, a red tee-shirt and black sweater. I changed my heels to a pair of skater shoes. I out my fake glasses on and wiped off some of the slut make-up. I knocked in the bathroom door when I was dressed and had everything packed.

"I'm ready lets go." I said. Clint opened the door, Derek in tow.

"You wanna knock him out?" Clint asked me. My eyes flashed to my wolf's.

"Gladly." I whirled my fist back and hit Derek straight in his temple, knocking him out.

"That'll probably hold out until we get to the jet. I'll check out, you take him to the car." Clint nodded and picked up Derek heading out of the room. I followed, carrying both our bags. When we checked out, we were probably the only ones in the lobby, Derek was in the car and Clint had secured him in. Clint had kindly joined me in checking out.

"Did you enjoy your stay?" The lady at the front desk asked as she checked us out.

"Yes, we had a lovely stay." I said.

"So glad. Drive safe!" The lady handed Clint a receipt and we walked out. The rental car that S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten for was running outside and I climbed into the passenger, Clint getting in the driver's. It silent most of the ride back to Avengers Tower where Fury would be waiting.

"You never pay me back." Clint finally said when we were half-way there. I looked over at him. We stared at each other for a good moment before we finally collided into a kiss. It wasn't like the kiss in the elevator, and it wasn't fake. It was sincere and loving, and I loved it. Clint could actually kiss good other than Derek. My breath was probably horrible since I smoked before kissing him, but I didn't really notice him grimacing or anything.

We broke away when we heard honking behind us. Clit started to the street again, taking my hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled.

That was probably one of the best missions, ever.

(A/N: And this is where we say goodbye, to this book at least! There is going to be a sequel, I swear it! It should probably be up in running sometime this week.
Hope you enjoyed this book and will enjoy the next one!
Enjoy reading my proxies!)

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