Chapter 15

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So far all I've done today was go around the apartment singing at random times. Oh well, it's not like I don't do that anyway. It was 12 and I was getting hungry. I put my hands in my jean pockets, I get some paper in it. I took it out and on it was a number. Then I remembered. Clint had given me his number, and he said whenever I was up to a date, to text him. For once in life I couldn't bring myself to my phone. I was so nervous. I just quickly grabbed it and typed down the number. I quickly wrote the message:
'Hey, it's Tammy, wanna go for lunch?'
I then left it on the kitchen table so I couldn't do anything about it. I went back to the TV.
-Five Minutes Later (such a long time skip)-
My text jingle went off. I turned my head to the phone on the kitchen table. I bit my lip. I got up and went to my phone. I picked it up dreading the worst. I took a deep breath and looked at my inbox. It was from Clint. I looked at what he texted me back:
'Sure, how bout Shwarma? I can pick you up.' (I know guys I know, I just had to put it in here. XD It was just too funny okay)
'Sure, here's my address.' I texted him the address and a let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He texted me back.
'Be there, in 5.'
'Okay.' I texted back. My heart was beating so hard right now. 'Does that mean that I really like him?' I thought. If my heart race went even faster I would morph, which is not good when you're out. I looked at what I was wearing, which was just my fav hoodie, along with jeans and chucks. Nothing special. I mean, if I want Clint to like me for me, then I have to show him the real me, don't you do that when like someone? Do I like him? I don't know my feelings are confuzzled right now. I turned off the TV, knowing Clint was going to knock in a couple seconds. I picked up my phone and keys. Just as I predicted Clint came to the door. I opened the door seeing Clint standing in the doorway.
"Hey." Clint said.
"Hey." I said.
"Are you ready?"
"Alright, lets go."
I followed Clint outside. He had apparently walked here. I had taken the silence between us to look at what he was wearing. He was wearing a black shirt with a leather jacket, with jeans and combat boots.
"You like what you see?" Clint asked smirking.
"No, I mean yes, I mean maybe, I mean um...yah." I avoided eye contact and pushed hair behind my ear. I heard Clint chuckle. I bit my lip.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, I like what I see too." Clint said. I looked up at him blushing.
"We're near the place now." Clint said. We entered the place and inside was Bruce, Tony, Steve, the red head chick who escorted me out of STARK towers, and a blonde with a hammer. I face palmed.
"For real, I didn't know they were going to be here." Clint said.
"It's alright. I've been wanting to meet the whole team anyway."

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