Chapter 27

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We got out of the traffic jam and Clint stepped on the gas pedal causing everyone in the car to sit back against the seats. Scale was right behind us, and I had pulled up my shirt over my nose to at least try to get his smell out of my nostrils. Clint took a left, then right, then right, then left again, trying to get Scale off our tail. A/N: LOL that rhymed :) I let out a breath as Scale's scent left my lungs

''He's gone, we lost him.'' I said pulling my shirt off my face.

''Okay, now we can drive smoothly, hopefully.'' Clint said.


Clint parked the car and I stumbled out with Bruce following behind me, as soon I got out, I stretched. Oh did it feel good to stretch my legs. I had been stuck in the middle when we in the car, and I had to scrunch up my legs, which wasn't comfortable at all. I actually did a little walk in a circle before heading to the complex.


I glanced at Tammy who was stretching her legs. I shifted my gaze as she started a let walk in a circle and her eyes landed on me for a second, then I quickly glanced at her again. I chuckled a bit on how funny her walk looked. Tammy then started toward the headquarters. Everyone followed behind her. As we neared the place, me and Eric took lead.

"So when you going to tell her?" I asked in a hushed whisper so even Tammy couldn't pick it up, I doubt she would've been able to hear anyway because of all the noise that was going on.

"Soon enough. I don't want to make anything awkward between us, ya know? I mean she doesn't know me, yet I know so much about her. If I try to explain it, it'll just make things worse on her." Eric said.

"But Eric, be serious. It's stressing her out enough not knowing what you're passing off as a 'little' secret. When in reality it's as big as the damn milky way."

"Right right. I'll tell her after the meeting that Fury called, deal?"

"Fine, but if you don't tell her, I will."

"Why does she need to know?"

"Did you seriously just say that? Of course she needs to know! She believes she's the last of her kind, she deserves to know!"

"Fine alright. I'll tell her, I'll tell her!"

"Good, and it has to be today."

"Why do I have to listen to you?"

"A.) I'm a higher rank than you B.) Because I could've let your sorry ass stay in London, but I took you with me."

"You're never going to let that day go, are you?"

"Nope." Eric glared at me.

"Fine. Fine, I'll do it, as soon as I can."

"Good. Now, lets get whatever Fury called and get it over with." I opened the door to the meeting room that Fury told us to meet in. I say down in one of the 9 swivel chairs the room had. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking on who else would be coming, knowing that Fury was going to stand the whole time. *A/N: I'll give you extra points if you can figure out who it is by the end of chapter ;)* Eric took a seat across from me, with Tammy on my left and no one on my right yet. Bruce took a seat across from Tammy, and Tony sat at the head of the table.

The doors opened revealing Natasha and Steve. Still no sign of Thor, and whoever the hell was coming. Natasha took the seat on my right and Tony sent her a wink which she glared at him for. Steve took a seat next to Eric.


I took out my phone and started playing Temple Run because I was bored. We have been sitting in this meeting room for a while now and there was no sign of Fury or Thor, and by the looks of it there was going to be someone else here. But I brushed it off. I mean you can always just have an extra chair just in case, right?

The doors opened and I looked up turning my head backward to see who it was. It was Fury, and he was ready to start this meeting, or whatever this was. And behind him strolled in a woman with dark brown hair put into a bun, and blue eyes. She was wearing a suit like Natasha's, and she had a intercom piece on her ear, she was wearing a serious face showing no emotion.

"Alright, so we have everyone?" Fury asked.

"Everyone's counted for, except for Thor and his guest." The woman said.

"We'll just start without him. Now first things first I've called you all here to talk about Lucas Scale. I've heard that you've all encountered him?" I locked my jaw and nodded. As did everyone else. "Now Lucas Scale, a scientist who was trying to make a bigger and better army. An experiment changed him into what he is today, a werewolf."

"You forgot the part where he smells like two garbage dumps made of vomit, and rotten eggs." Fury glared at me.

"Anything else you'd like to add?"

"Oh yah, that he looks like a road kill being run over, over and over again."

"Thank you for the input, the information could be useful." Fury turned his attention to the rest of the table. "Now Thor should be here at any minute. He brought along someone." The doors opened and sure enough, there was Thor.

"I am sorry for me bring late. But Loki*, wouldn't move." Everyone but me tensed up when he said Loki. A tall, slender man stepped into the room. He was wearing normal clothing actually, unlike Thor who was in armor. He had shoulder length black hair and piercing blue eyes. He had handcuffs on and a muzzle. As soon as he stepped through his eyes widened and you could hear him mumble something, which was:


A/N: Okay so um I really need to say this because I forgot to put in the beginning of the book, I do not own the Avengers, and I did NOT make up Wolven. I got it from the book series 'Wolven' written by Di Toft check it out it's a good book series.

Anyway thanks a lot my proxies for reading hope you enjoyed it so far!



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