Chapter 17

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As I walked back home, I went through the thoughts that had ran through my head during lunch. Bruce is the only one I can trust. I should've never trusted Tony, or Steve.And Thor had yelled it out. And people wonder why I have trust issues. It takes me awhile, to get to trust someone. I was starting to get out of that. But now, I can't.

I heard sound if a cane clicking behind me. I took a glance. It was tall, and it had a scarf over the bottom half of its face. And the shadow of its hood covered the top half. My nose cringed as the scent of him reached my nose. I turned my head back forward and started walking quicker. I finally came to a crowd, hoping that I would lose him. But, he was still behind me. I then broke into a run. Pushing past the crowd of people, hoping that I could lose him. I was nearing the apartment building but I couldn't go in there, or else he'll know where I live. I bet he already knows, but I can't be sure, so I kept running. I could tell he was too, because I could hear the yelps of people being shoved out of the way and the constant clicking of his cane. I then headed down towards Central Park. Hoping that I could lose him there. As ran away, my legs started getting tired, I started slowing down, which wasn't too good. I looked behind me seeing nothing. I slowed down to a walk. I turned my head back forward and he was standing in front of me. I gulped and started running away when he caught the hood of my hoodie.

"Trying to run away again?" He asked pulling me towards him.

"Yes, I actually was. Now if you'll let me get back to doing so..." I said squirming under his grip on my hood. He lifted me off the ground and started to carry me away.

"Let me go, let me go!" I said squirming around trying to get out of his grip.

"And risk losing you, not a chance." He said. I kept squirming trying to get out of his grip.

"C'mon, we're practically family. With your DNA being in me, so why not let me go." Lucas stopped.

"You're right. We're practically family." I nodded.

"So there's another reason for me to take you with me." Lucas continued walking.

"LET ME GO!!!"

"NO! You're staying with me, and I'm going to make that army, if it's the last thing I do!" I got an idea. I lifted my arms and I slid out of my hoodie. I then ran for it. I heard Lucas growl in outrage, and then the clicking of his cane. I felt something grab my hair and then Lucas yanked me back towards.

"Nice try missy." Lucas said.

"Let me go!" I yelped out through my yells of pain as he lifted me off the ground.


Little Sister *Avengers Fan-Fiction*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن