Chapter 22

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Jackie and I were sitting on the couch, catching up. We haven't seen each other since my last visit to New York which was over a year ago. We've known each other since Middle School and we've been friends ever since.

"So any love interests so far?" Jackie asked. I nearly spit out my tea from earlier that I some how managed to not drink all of it.

"What?" I managed to say through my coughing fit.

"C'mon love interests? Tell me everything!" Jackie said.



"I've had enough of this weirdness I'm going to Tony's." Bruce said in a joking manner. "But seriously I'm going. So see ya guys." Bruce got his keys and went out the door.

"Bye," Jackie and I said and Bruce left, closing the door behind him.

"Answer the question!" Jackie prodded.

"Fine! His name is Clint." I said.




"He's 5'10. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He's 2 years older than me, and so far, he's great."

"How did you know he's 5'10?"

"We talked a lot the night we met."

"Do you have a sore throat or something?"

"Uh, yah, yah I do. Had to break up, uh, bar fight. And it, uh, really took a toll on my voice."

"Don lie to me. C'mon, seriously, what did happen."

"I'm not lying, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know better. The truth!"


"C'mon, you can tell me the truth!"

"Look, if I did tell you, you'd be in danger okay! I'm only not telling you for your own safety."

"Yah right, now tell me!" I looked at my friend and sighed.

"You know, I trust with everything right?" Jackie nodded.

"Well, this time, I don't."

"What? What exactly could be so important, that you couldn't tell your best friend? And it's about how you have a sore throat!"

"It's just really personal. I mean it's just a long story. And the last time I told it, it went out of control."

"Fine, if you tell me yours,"

"I told you, I'm not telling you!"

"Here me out! If, you tell me your secret, I'll...tell you mine."

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