Chapter 34

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I jogged down the hallway and stopped at Clint's door. I hesitated for a moment before knocking. The door almost opened immediately.

"Hey," We said in unison. I smiled.

"You, uh, ready to go?" I asked. Clint nodded and closed his door behind him as he came out. When he did, his chest pressed against mine.

"Uh, s-sorry. Um, it's this way." Clint said quickly trying to get out of the position he was in. I followed behind him as he walked down the corridor. We soon got to the car and I began to realize that we- at least I- knew nothing about the mission.

"Clint, uh, I know nothing about this mission that we're about to go on."

"It's fine, neither do I. When we get to the hotel there'll be a file telling us what's going on. We already know the target so it's not that hard." I stayed quiet, knowing that if I asked anything else I'd look like a complete dumbass. After a few moments of silence, we reached the big parking lot, in the middle there was a black limo, a couple well built agents surrounding it.

Clint headed toward it and I followed. We finally got to the car and Clint held the door open for me as we got in. I smiled my thanks when he did. When we sat down, a woman was also sitting there on the other set of seats that were in front of us.

The woman looked to be around my age. She adjusted her thin rimmed black glasses, clearing her throat.

"You're late." She said. She waved her hand and the limo began to move. She didn't us time to give an excuse why we were late as she continued.

"Agent Barton, Agent Banner, I'm Agent Tess." When she spoke she had a hint of a southern accent. "You two will be dropped off at 'The Out NYC' hotel. It's where the targets hotspot which is in the hotel. You two will also be going in as a married couple named Leah and Josh Williams, and you're on a break from your 'kids'."

Agent Tess pushed a strand of her dirty blonde hair back into the tight bun she had. "Look, the point of the whole mission is to get info about Scale out of Samdfurrow. Don't lolly-gag, understand?"

She didn't give us time to answer as she opened the door to the car she gestured to it.

"Alright, get out. A taxi is right behind us and it will be taking you to a nearby mall, you two will get makeovers. Barton, you know the drill, help out Banner when it's needed. Here's your I.D.'s." Agent Tess handed us the cards and shooed us out of the limo, and we're heading down the street to be stopped when we heard Agent Tess' call;

"Agent Barton! This is for you! Watch over Banner, she's new in this. Don't get her killed or something of the sorts. Good luck agents."Agent Tess closed the limo's door and the limo drove off.

Replacing the limo was a taxi and we clambered in. The cab driver said nothing as he drove throughout the New York traffic. Clint and I stayed in an awkward silence the whole way there.

In a couple minutes, we were at the mall. Clint and I started our walk to the building. It was huge and if anything it was at least a third of how big Stark Tower is.

"Okay, once we get in, we go our separate ways. We get what's needed for a makeover. You use this to pay. Get only what you need. Trust me, last time I tried to use this for my own uses, I got in a load of trouble." Clint said.

He got out a Visa card and handed it to me. "Don't forget, you have to look like the girl on the I.D., no one else. Understood?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Clint laughed, and we got into the building. Clint and I tore apart and went our separate ways like said.

* * *

"What?!" I screeched looking down at the I.D. "Nope, I'm not doing it."

Clint and I had met up for lunch. I had bought an outfit that I'd put on later and I was wearing clear-lensed glasses, and Clint had already put his on. Clint was wearing clear-lensed glasses as well, and he changed his hair to look more like Tony's, and can I say that he looked adorable.

"You have to, if you don't, the mission might be compromised." Clint said.

"No, I'm not doing it. I'm not cutting my hair."


"Don't 'Tammy' me, I am not cutting my hair!"

"Tammy, would it make you feel better if we donated your hair to the organization that donates hair to make wigs for people with cancer?"


"Good, now let's get your hair done."

"Why can't I just wear a wig?" Clint rises an eyebrow.

"Ugh, fine, I won't wear a wig. I'll cut my hair."

"Great, now let's go."

I took a deep breath as I heard the scissors start snipping away my hair. I could hear the hair fall the floor, and I couldn't help but feel like a part of my body was missing now. It didn't even get to the worst part, I had to have red hair.

I have to bleach it to get it the way it is in the picture.

The lady started to take out the bleach and I wrinkled up my nose.

"What's up?" Clint asked. He was in the salon with me. I needed the support.

"The bleach is strong." I waved my hand in front of my face and coughed.

"Sorry," The lady who was doing my hair said, "bleach isn't exactly my favorite smell either."

There were a few moments of silence.

"So," the lady asked, "what's with the big drastic change?"

"I wanted something new, it starting to get boring, all it was, was brown and straight. Rather plain if you ask me."

"Ah, I see. Well, you're going to look really nice when it's like this."

It probably took five to ten minutes for the bleach to work it's magic and make my hair red.

When the lady showed me, my hair was a deep russet, it was curled as well, and it actually pretty. I told her I loved it and she just smiled. We payed and Clint and I left.

"Alright, I'm going to go to the bathroom and change." I said.

"Do women usually take this long to get a makeover?"

"Yes, yes they do. Now shut up and wait here."

Clint closed his mouth and sat down on a nearby futon that was outside of the bathrooms.

I went into the big stall on the end and got out the outfit.

It was a white dress that was shorter in the front and longer in the back and I wasn't exactly one for it because I had to wear a strapless bra with it and I always found them uncomfortable, but it was cute, so I thought, why the hell not?

I stripped and put on the outfit. Slipping on the cute black ankle boots and black sweater that I got with the dress. I checked myself in the mirror.

"My boobs look bigger." I mumbled to myself pulling up my dress a little. I stepped out of the bathroom and up to Clint. His eyes widened when he saw me and he just stared, his mouth fell open. I smirked.

"Close your mouth honey, you'll catch flies." I walked past him and headed for the doors to leave.

As I walked out I heard someone ask Clint:

"Is she yours? If not, can I have her?"

And Clint replying:

"Back off, that's my wife."

I blushed and leaned against a pillar outside of the mall. I'm not much if a romantic but, I believe that, that means he likes me.

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