Chapter 11

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(I'm going to skip the life story since you've already read it before.)

I finished telling Steve my story, and he was shocked, still trying to figure out how it's even possible. Steve was pretty zoned out so he notice when a smirk spread across my face. I told Bruce and Tony my plan and they agreed.

"I just can't believe it's real." Steve said. I fell dramatically off the couch, like I've been shot. Steve didn't notice me 'fall' off the couch.

"How can it be true?" Steve thought aloud. I 'died'. Bruce came off the couch and sat down next to me putting my head in his lap.

"Oh no!" Bruce exclaimed. Steve came out if his trance and noticed me on the ground.

"What's wrong with her?"

"You can't say stuff like that!"

"Like what?"

"That stuff you were saying about how it can't be real! Wolven can't hear that stuff or they can die!" Tony said running his hands through his hair. Steve was worried now.

"What do we do?!" Steve exclaimed.

"Steve! You have to clap as hard as you can to bring her back to life!" Bruce blurted out, it wasn't a part of the plan, we were just going to say that I was 'dead, but it funnier than what we going to do, I was on the verge of laughing my ass off. Steve started clapping frantically. I couldn't hold if anymore and started laughing really hard and Bruce and Tony joined in. Steve looked at us confused and stopped clapping.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't hold it in anymore!" I said through laughter. I stood up giggling and hugged Steve.

"Sorry that at was mean. But it was too funny to pass up." I said.

"What just happened?" Steve asked still confused.

"Oh, sweetie, you just got pranked." I said holding back more laughter. I let out a breath and I went back to the couch. Steve face palmed.

"I should've known, but, the new fangled pranks are different from the ones in the 40s." Steve said. Steve had left shortly after that, while Bruce and I stayed and hung out with Tony. I looked up at the clock, it was 11:35.

'Geez,' I thought, 'Have we actually been here that long?' Seeing the time automatically sleepy for some reason. I yawned laying my head down into Bruce's lap. I closed my eyes nestling my head into a more comfortable spot on his lap. I soon fell asleep to the sound of Bruce's steady breathing, and of their conversation, they were talking about sciencey stuff, which made me bored, which makes me even more tired.

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