Chapter 1

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Alexandra Lewis. Scribbling my name at the top of the paper, I sighed. Having never really liked the name, I didn't enjoy writing it in full on things. I think it's too long, too boring. It makes me sound sophisticated, almost posh, and it's safe to say that I'm the complete opposite. However, my brother says he likes it, he says it makes me sound smart.

Although smart wouldn't be the word I'd use.

As I filled in the form for the job interview, I glanced at the requirements. Almost immediately after reading, I scrunched up the paper and threw it in the bin.

I needed a job soon, since I had way too much time on my hands after dropping out of school. By spending the majority of my time either playing video games, football or Skyping my friends, I couldn't say that I was getting anywhere with the job search.

I just wanted to work somewhere where I could be myself, where I could keep to myself and just do what I loved: art.

It wasn't always easy being the only girl in the group growing up. I constantly found myself trying to be someone I'm not when around anyone who I wasn't close with, including my parents. And, to be honest, it usually didn't bother me. I knew I couldn't impress everyone when there are so many people out there who will judge you, and I never cared what people thought of me until I got to the last few years of school.

People started to pick on me just because I wasn't like them. Boys thought I was weird for liking football. Girls thought I was weird because I didn't know how to contour. I mostly tried to ignore them by keeping my head down, getting the grades I needed, and painting.

Even through the tough times, I had my group of friends that I stuck to, and they helped hold me up when I needed someone. Whenever anything went wrong, at least one of them was always by my side to help me out.

I tried to act different when I was around anyone that wasn't my group, and I hated myself for it.

I wasn't a confident person, and being so embarrassed and awkward all the time, I didn't have the guts to say anything, so I just tried to fit in, although it never really worked. The boys were the only people I ever felt comfortable around.

Currently, I still live with my parents in Guernsey because I can't afford to get my own place yet, whilst all of my friends live in London.

I hated moving to Guernsey. Since me and Harry dropped out of school at similar times, mum and dad decided to move here, which was such a stupid decision. Me and Harry barely ever got to see our friends, but now he's living the sweet life and I'm stuck here alone.

My best, and only girl friend Jess, who I met in a cafe a few months back, and I were planning to move into an apartment together, but neither of us could get the cash for a deposit. I'm not even that close with her, I just want to get out of my current situation; I want to feel more responsible, and stop being treated like a child.

Mum and dad have been on my case ever since Harry moved out, so I want to move out too as soon as possible.

Ever since Harry left to go and live with Cal, and Callum, mum and dad have turned all their attention to me. All they do is pick out my flaws and judge me; sometimes, I feel like they don't think I'm good enough, all because I'm not Harry.

Sighing, I picked the screwed up paper off the floor and tried to smooth it out, knowing I needed to take every opportunity I can get.

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