Tipping the Scales

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Meanwhile, our heroes came across Arena Ferox and they about to go inside. Soon, two of our heroes spoke up. It was Marth and Ike.

Marth: We just go. Stay back everyone.

Ike: It's our destiny.

Marth: I am ready.

Ike: I'm ready.

So they went inside.

Meanwhile inside, Lucina was almost about to be defeated.

Lucina: Ah! What is this power?

She was getting defeated by Captain Falcon.

Captain Falcon: Yes!

Lucina was fighting him because he hurt her father, Chrom.

Lucina: You took out my father!

Lucina came running to Captain Falcon and fought, but he kicked her off guard and was preparing for a Falcon Punch.

Captain Falcon: Falcon...!

Soon, green beams of light came down and Captain Falcon was dodging them by flipping backwards.

It was a guy who was floating. He had a hood over his head with a sword and a spellbook in his hand. He closed the spellbook and lower down to the ground and they stared him. It was Robin.

Robin: (To Lucina) It's going to be alright. Time to tip the scales!

Lucina: Robin!

Robin: Smash has many powerful foes, Lucina. But I am no ordinary swordsman!

He did his attacks on Captain Falcon by using his magic tomes.

Robin: Thunder! Elthunder! Arcthunder! and...Thoron! Arcfire! Elwind! Nosferatu!

Lucina: Wow, you have so many tomes.

Robin: I can only use them so many times, which is why I carry my Levin Sword!

Lucina: This is no time for me to rest. I'll fight at your side!

Lucina teamed up with Robin to fight Captain Falcon by doing her attacks similar to Marth's.

Lucina: Hup. Hup. Ha. Key-ya!

Robin: Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you.

Soon, Marth and Ike finally showed.

Lucina: (To Robin about Marth) Is that...the Hero-King himself.

Robin: (To Lucina about Ike) And the Radiant Hero of Legend. Worthy opponents indeed!

Robin: Prepare yourselves!

Lucina: Come at me!

Robin and Lucina: HAH

Marth and Ike were in a team duel with Robin and Lucina.

Chrom got up.

Chrom: Guess I'll get my chance, another day.

Robin: No, you'll get it today.

Marth came in with his dash attack. Ike did his Forward Aerial. Robin did his Side Special--Arcfire. Lucina did her Down Special--Counter.

Ike got Robin down.

Robin: Worthless fool.

Marth got Lucina.

Lucina: AH, ah, ah!

Two Smash Balls, which Robin and Lucina got. Robin's Pair Up, which involved Chrom. And Lucina's Critical Hit.

Robin went first and trapped Marth and Ike in Pair Up.

Robin: Chrom!

Chrom: On my Mark!

They both started attacking them repeatedly.

Robin: Bolganone!

Chrom: We're not done yet!

Chrom delivered the Finishing Blow and Lucina prepared her Critical Hit.

Lucina: Time to change fate!

Lucina KO'd them, but they we're okay and Marth and Ike invited them to come along with them.

Robin and Lucina: Sure! We'll heroes after all.

Captain Falcon: I'm coming along also. Listen, sorry about earlier Lucina, no hard feelings, right?

Lucina: Okay.

They got outside Arena Ferox and everyone was there.

Pit: There's something weird about this fighter, Lady Palutena.

Palutena: That's Robin, also known as the Avatar.

Pit: I wonder where Chrom is.

Palutena: Who knows? Probably taking a nap at home.

Chrom: I'm no idle layabout.

Lucina: Father!

Pit: Whoa! Where did you come from?!

Chrom: Robin is a skilled strategist and master at both the Levin Sword and magic. Certainly more useful than a simple swordsman like myself.

Palutena: Plus, you and Ike are too similar. No point of in having two characters that are pretty much carbon copies. Am I right?

Chrom: Excuse me!?

Ike: I wouldn't say that me and Chrom look alike. We have the same costume outline, but that doesn't mean anything.

Palutena: What's more, you don't have a Aether recovery like Ike does, do you?

Chrom: Quiet you!

Palutena: Heh, heh. Back to the topic in hand. Robin can use the Levin Sword and magic only so many times. Use this limit to your advantage, Pit.

Pit: Got it. I could take him.

Chrom: I won't be so sure. For Robin's Final Smash, I plan on lending a hand. And then, you'll taste the bitterness of defeat!

Palutena: We all know you're trying to play the hero and all, but you can only join in if Robin gets the Smash Ball, right?

Chrom: You'll taste the bitterness of defeat...if Robin gets the Smash Ball.

Chrom left. They also talked about Lucina.

Pit: That lady's moves is awfully similar to Marth's.

Palutena: That's Lucina. She used to introduce herself as Marth, so certain similarities seem inevitable.

Pit: What? She stole someone's identity?

Palutena: Well, it wasn't quite like that.

Marth: She's an imposter, I'll say.

Palutena: Marth had become at her time--the Hero King. So Lucina took that name to bolster the morale of her own army. Think of it as a symbol of hope in the depths of despair.

Pit: That's pretty deep.

Palutena: You can't tell by looking at her, but I hear she's got a great sense of humor.

Pit: I'll try cracking a few jokes and see if that softens her up.

Palutena: The tip of her blade doesn't deal as much damage as Marth.

Marth: She has one of those "modern" Falchion.

Palutena: But her attacks are more balanced, even if they're not tremendously powerful.

Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Ness, Peach, Zelda, Sheik, Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Dr. Mario, Falco, Meta Knight, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Ike, Charizard, Diddy Kong, Olimar, Lucario, Toon Link, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina and Luma, Little Mac, Greninja, Palutena, Robin, Lucina, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man joined your team.

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