Chapter 1

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My eyes open to find out the sun hasn't even risen yet, glancing towards my clock to see it's 4:45 in the morning. This is a normal things for me. I could sleep more, but to be honest I don't really think I slept at all. Just laying here on my queen mattress twisting and turning, thinking. Time flies by when you do that.

I'm not tired either. Thinking is my energy source, even if it's the dumbest thoughts. My feet hit the floor as I hop off my bed, tip toeing over to my back pack to finish the homework I didn't bother to do the night before. I pull out my agenda for the assignments I carelessly wrote down, seeing that I finish most of it in class or my free block.

The only class that had homework, not to mention the most confusing subject on my schedule, was physiology. I pull it out with an exaggerated sigh, thinking what I had ahead of me in the next couple of hours. The teacher was as old as earth, walked slower than death (she had a cane but it came with no use), and fell asleep multiple times during the lecture. Not that I am complaining about the falling part, it gave us time to chat among one another. The teacher was basically as boring as the lesson itself.

I opened the packet to look at the first question.

'1) The brain and spinal cord comprise the _____ nervous system. All nerves of the body residing outside of the brain and spinal cord comprise the _____ nervous system.'

I stared at it for about 30 seconds tapping my pink pen on the edge of the paper, then immediately gave up, deciding that I would copy off one of my friends. The papers were put in my bag to be forgotten, And I started making my bed. I looked down at my clock to see it's nearly 5, my mother would be furious with me if she heard the shower running at this time, but today she will have to deal.

I close the bathroom door, which was connected to my room. I tried to keep quiet, but then remember that in my 18 years of life never have I ever been the goody-two-shoes child in the family. I turned on the shower, making it the temperature that I prefer and stepping in. I continued my ponder on my life as I stood under the rush, continuing to wash my hair. I washed the soap off my legs from shaving, stopped the shower and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body and hair.

I peeked out to my room to look at the clock once more, seeing it's 5:30 and my mother should still be sleeping. The smell of French toast lingered through the house, I knew our personal chef has arrived. I slipped on the clothes of the day, which consisted of leggings, a bandeau to go over my pink bra, and an oversized sweatshirt, then headed towards the source of the sweet aroma.

When I got to the clean kitchen, Kate stood with her back towards me as she cooked a meal at the stove. I opened the fridge to get myself some orange juice, Kate turned around to see who it was.

"You're up early." She smiles warmly as she gives her attention back to the bread in the pan. I hum a response as I sit down at the island, a plate being handed to me with breakfast on it.

Within minuets she turns around to see I inhaled to food like air, asking if I would like seconds. I politely decline, saying I need to finish getting ready.

Back in my room, I finish straightening my hair and doing my make-up, seeing that I was behind time at the moment. Grabbing my bag and slipping on my doc martins, I sprinted out the door onto the street to see some other students walking towards the school a bit late as well.

I made it to the school just in time to go to my locker, my friends already wait there for me.

"Monica!" Announces Mollie, making the other heads turn, "I could sense your tallness!"

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