chapter 5

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‘Be there in 5.x’ read the message my phone had just received. I set it down on the dresser next to me and looked In the mirror. My hair was pin straight, my make up heavier than usual. I wore a tight purple dress that my father sent me in the mail. To pull the outfit together, some black pumps. 

His car came to a stop in front of my house and I climb through the window. My mother came home drunk and she passed out in the bathroom. She won’t be waking up anytime soon. 

I threw my shoes down before following them and landing next to them, picking them up and running to Alfie’s convertible. 

“Hey babe.” He said as I climbed into the seat next to him, “You look hot.” I kept my mouth shut so I didn’t explode on him, I mentally suggested it to him but he didn’t get the message.

The whole way to the party he was non stop talking . “Are you seriously going to ignore me?”

“Yes.” I answer, checking my polished nails.

“Well it’s stupid and it’s pissing me off so cut the shit Monica.”

“Don’t flirt with other girls and maybe we wouldn’t have this problem!” I yell back at him. He stayed quiet after that, and I was beyond grateful. 

We arrived at a apartment complex, one level had lights on. Alfie lead me up, including the very awkward elevator situation, then to the flat. Without knocking, we walked in and the music was loud and alcohol stung my nose. Alfie instantly left me to go talk with his friends, So I wandered off to the kitchen to get some drinks. I walked in a instantly regretted it, My hips were instantly grabbed and I was forced into the bathroom. 

The lights clicked on and a man stumbled over to me after locking the door. “I don’t like this dress on you lets take it off.” He said reaching for the zipper on the back.

“I’d rather not thank you-” He slowly started to unzip my dress, “AFLIE!” I screamed out, trying to push the needy many away from me, all along with holding my dress up. “ALFIE!!” I was crying by the time he tried to tug the dress down. I can’t lose my virginity like this. 

I used my burst of adrenalin to push the guy off, he stumbled back hitting his head off a towel rack and passing out on the floor. I zipped my dress back up through the tears and went over to the mirror to fix my running make up. 

This night was ruined, and if Alfie didn’t ditch me this would of never happened. 

I unlocked the bathroom door, barging out and ducking my head. This is so embarrassing. I walked out to the living room, Alfie sit in the corner high as fuck not giving a shit about me. I am so done. 

I open the door, I find Mollie laughing with a couple of girls from school. She glancess at me, her eyes instantly widening at the sight of me. “Oh my god, Monica?” I run over to her and she envelopes me into a hug, rubbing my back, “Come one, come back into the party and talk it over with me.”

“No Mol, I can’t go back in there.” I say wiping my tears. Before she can even protest, I start running down the hall way, straight to the elevator. I push a random through the tears and wait for it patiently.  

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