Suprises just keep on coming, don't they?

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

This is so strange. My brother Andy barging into my shitty flat announcing that his band Lawson are collaborating with B.o.B. I stare at him blankly and he says,

"Nat.The band is making a collab with B.o.B. Any better?"

I nod and giggle as he rolls his eyes. Andy's only 2 years older than me. At 19-20 years old...he had brain tumour. Me and Andy hugged and cried for ages. I know being brother and sister, you'd expect us to fight and not get along as much...but you'd be surprised at how close we are. He sits me down on the sofa.

"Nat, I know it's so soon but...I want you to come live with me in London.( I gasp) Now I know that it's so short notice but I hate to think of you in this...'thing'! (I roll my eyes)"

He waits for my answer anxiously.

"Andy, is it your own house? Cause I don't wanna be sharing it with 3 boys I don't know."

Andy nods. Well...what the hey! I do hate this dump and Ill miss Liverpool but there's more positives than negatives.

"Go on then,Andy! Ill move to London with you."

Andy yells in excitement and picks me up in happiness. Please don't ask me why he's so happy about this...maybe he's lonely? We spend the afternoon packing my stuff and sorting out what will happen to the flat. The landlord said he'll take care of it. Loading stuff into Andy's car, I smile whilst watching amusedly. Wait...let me rephrase that...ANDY'S loading stuff in his car...

"Your doing a great job,big bro!"

I shout, laughing. He smirks and gives me 'the finger' and I chuckle. I decide to get into the car and soon enough Andy joins me. As we set off, he sticks the radio on and...what a coincidence! When She Was Mine comes on. We sing along at the tops of our voices. You would think that Andy being in the band for about 5 years now...I would have met the other band members. Andy never really came to visit me whilst I was dating Kallum. He was annoyed that I was dating a bastard...he abused me, cheated on me night after night, backstabbed me over and over again...I kept taking him back because I loved him too much to let him go. One night I came back to the flat and found him in bed with my best friend Tori...or should I say, EX best friend. At that point Andy got involved...he beat him up for the 4 years worth of beating and hurting he caused me and Kallum ran off. And Andy's a STRONG lad...Kallum was quite broad but only on the shoulders. That was 2 months ago and Andy's been to see me 5 times. Well, ill be seeing him everyday in the foreseen future. Andy explains to me about the boys. I listen harder when he starts to talk about a muscly blonde tall guy.

"His names Ryan Fletcher, comes from Sheffield and thinks himself as a ladies man. If you EVER see him'll get the picture."

I laugh and we continue singing.

(2 hours later)

"Go in and make yourself at home, sis, whilst I bring in your cases and stuff."

Andy tells me so I nod and venture into the house. In a cluster in the corner is a pile of empty beer cans and bottles. I shake my head. Oh yeah, my brother can get wierd when he's drunk. I find the bathroom and see that there's 3 bedrooms. The one Im in now is obviously Andy's since its strewn with dirty clothes and Liverpool Football Club posters plastered on the walls.

I check the next bedroom and find that it's quite spacious with violet fluffy carpet and white walls with a king sized bed.


I shout.Andy walks in with some boxes and laughs.

"I was gonna give you this room anyway, you doofus. Yeah, the other room is spare for whenever the boys are drunk and need to crash for the night. The amount of times they've had to sleep here though...!"

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