I Wanna Get Married...

425 13 5

(Natalie's P.O.V)

I wake up to Ryan complaining about his arm. I run into the kitchen and get the bottle of pills for him. I run back into the living room with a glass of water and hand them to him. He takes them and sorts himself out. He thrusts the water glass at me.

"Thanks for not waking me up. That's why my arm kills."

He spits. Whoa, I have never heard Ryan speak like that before. I don't know how to react but I say,

"Ryan, I'm sorry. I forg..."

Ryan cuts me off and winces in pain.

"No, Nat. I told you specifically to wake me up after the movie finished. But you didn't. We both fell asleep on the sofa and you didn't wake me!"

I fumble with the sleeve on his cardigan that I'm wearing. Me and Ryan haven't had an arguement before...not like this anyway. Ryan laughs harshly.

"Nothing? Alright then. And now because of you I'm in agony."

I can't take it any longer. I run out of the room in tears and lock myself in my room. I throw myself on my bed, curl up under the covers and bawl into the pillow. It's got Ryan's scent all over it. He slept in here yesterday. Me and Ryan haven't had many arguments before. We've had 2 including this one. It was over something silly and it was just after we started going out. It had the same process as this one. Ryan had a go and I ran off crying. But the difference is, Ryan came up crying straight after and said he was sorry. It's been 5 minutes. I can hear banging in the kitchen. Then a beer can being opened. I get a text from Narissa saying that they were on their way. That makes me cry even more. If me and Ryan are like this, then ill be upset and I won't be able to enjoy myself, ruining Narissa's day. Suddenly there's a quiet knock on my door. It must be Narissa. Joel, Adam and Ryan only live a couple of roads away. I slowly unlock the door and open it. Ryan's standing there, topless and wearing joggers. His hair is all messed up and his eyes have red circles around them. He breathes when he sees me.

"Nat, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?"

I nod. But wait...this is exactly what used to happen with Kallum. Ryan must know what I'm thinking.

"Nat, there's a difference between me and that dick. I MEAN it."

He says. I start to cry again and he hugs me. We sit on the bed.

"Nat, I have no idea why I acted like that. I guess I'm just cranky cause all the sleep has hit me. But I was stupid to treat the girl I love like that. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me or do I have to earn it?"

He says, pulling a cheeky face. He's sorry and I know he means it.

"You have to earn it..."

I order, giggling. Ryan grins cheekily and starts kissing me everywhere. I scream with laughter and finally push him off me.

"Okay, okay! You are forgiven, babe!"

I giggle. He cheers and kisses me passionatly, laying on top of me on the bed.

"Earth Angel, earth angel, will you be mine? My darling dear, love you all the time! I'm just a fool, a fool in love...with you..."

He sings into my ear. I giggle.

"So your now trying to win you over with Back to the Future songs?"

Ryan laughs and raises an eyebrow.

"But Iv already won you over, haven't I?"

He says, grinning. I can't resist that cute face! I link my arms round his neck and mumble against his neck,

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