What's going on?!

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(Natalie's P.O.V) 

This has been great...I can't think of one night on this honeymoon when me and Ryan DIDNT have sex. I get out of bed and slip my underwear on. Were going home tomorrow, everything looks packed already so I just go sit on the sofa. I stroke the fur on the furniture and sme. Me and Ryan had sex on here many times! And that rug! Oh, wow. As I sit back heavily, my stomach lurches. I run to the bathroom, hand over my mouth, luckily throwing up in the toilet. It happens again. I check my hair to make sure there isn't any mess in it but there isn't. I rub my tummy as I go back through to the living room. What did I eat? Last night was salad and it was great. Food was in-date, everything was freshly bought. PERIOD! SHIT! I quickly whizz through my phone calendar and see that I should have had one a week ago. Shit...I'm late...I'm so very late. Oh, God, this can't be happening! I mean, I'd love to have a baby but I don't think Ryan does...I quickly pull a dress on and slip my converse on. I write a note to Ryan saying that I've just gone to shops and not to worry. Leaving the room, I call Joel. 


"Hi, Joel." 

"Oh, alright, Nat! Everything ok?" 

"Erm...I'm not entirely sure...Joel, can you keep a secret?" 

"Yeah, course I can!" 

"Ok. Well, I think I'm pregnant." 

"...REALLY! Oh, wow! That's fantastic news! Have you checked everything?" 

"No, I'm just going to get some tests now but I'm a week late and the food was perfect." 

"Listen, I want you to get the test, take them and ring me back." 

"Ok, thanks, Joel." 

I end the call and walk into the shop. I go to the pharmacy aisle and search through the items. Plasters, Parecetimal, Calpol, Pregnancy Tests. I pick up the most accurate one and go over to the counter. As I wait, the woman serving me whispers, 

"It'll be alright, love." 

I nod thankfully and walk out. The woman must have saw the anxiety in my face . I run over to a cafe and ask if I could use their toilets. They say yes and I thank them before I run into the toilets. I go into the end cubicle and do the tests . After 30 seconds, I flip one over to be greeted by 2 red lines. Positive. I do on other one...Positive again. I save the last one and put it in my bag. I get my phone out and call Joel." 

"Joel! I'm pregnant!" 


"2 of the tests said positive!" 

"Well, congrats, sis. I'm gonna be an uncle!" 

I laugh.  

"Yeah, don't tell anyone. Iv gotta go." 

"Bye, Nat!" 

I end the call and sigh. I'm gonna call for an abortion. I walk back up to the suite and shut the door. I run over to the phone and call the hospital back in London. The receptionist picks up. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" 

"Erm...I'd like to make an appointment please." 

"Ok, what treatment would you like?" 



A hand slams down on the receiver. It's Ryan.  

"Your pregnant?!" 

He asks, close to tears. I nod.  

"Why did you want an abortion? Don't you want a kid with me?!" 

He asks. Tears are pouring from his eyes and down his cheeks. 

"No! Ryan, listen! I didn't think you wanted a baby!" 

I exclaim. Ryan shakes his head and walks out of the room. My stomach lurches and I sprint to the bathroom. I check my hair afterwards and Iv got lucky again. I'm weeping. Ryan never talked about having babies...I thought he didn't want them! I feel the sofa dip beside me. I look up to a red-eyed Ryan. I wipe my eyes and Ryan places a hand on my tummy. I look up again and Ryan's smiling. 

"This is our baby...were meant to be happy!" 

He laughs. I smile weakly. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I've wanted this for so long that when I heard you on the phone wanting to lose our baby like 'that' (Ryan clicks his fingers) it really hit me. I know I never talked about babies. I'm really sorry, babe." 

Ryan finishes. I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He hugs me tightly and shouts, 

"WERE HAVING A BABY! I'm the luckiest man alive!" 

I laugh and kiss his lips passionately. He spins me around in the air. 


I squeal as my stomach does flips. He drops me and I go to throw up in the bathroom. Ryan holds my hair out of the way. I flush the toilet and wash my face. 

"Thanks, Ry." 

I say, weakly. Ryan nods and leads me to our bedroom. He lays me down and whispers, 

"Get some rest, baby. I'll go out to get us something to eat, yeah?" 

I nod and kiss him goodbye. He gives me a happy wave before he goes out the door.

(Ryan's P.O.V) 

I can't stop smiling even if I tried. I'm having a kid! I'm gonna be a father! God, I've wanted this ever since me and Nat started to date...I wanted it even more after Adam had kids. I rake my hands through my hair and ruffle it up in the hot sun. I've got no top on and some khaki shorts. Along with converse and sunglasses. I pull out my phone and ring Joel. 


"Whattup, Joeley!" 

"Oh, hello, Rhino..." 

"Guess what...Nat's pregnant! Were having a baby!" 

"OH! She told you! Yay, no more lies! Congratulations, mate, I'm really happy for you. What are you doing?" 

"Eh, just walking down to the small shop to get something for me and Nat tonight. Nat's in the hotel room resting." 

"Lazy...are we meeting you at the airport tomorrow then?" 

"Can do. Nat would love it if you did, she can't wait to see you all." 

"Alright then, mate. I'll let the boys know so they know to get up early." 

"Joel, our flight doesn't land until 1..." 

"No, I mean early for THEM! We don't get up until 12 so I'll have to wake them up at 9." 

"Oh right..." 

"Right, I'll talk later, mate. Have a good last day and wish Nat well from me , yeah?" 

"Yeah, mate. Cheers!" 

I end the call. Walking into the shop, I shiver as blasts of cold air hit me. I grab some chips, burgers and some coke and go pay. I walk out of the shop but stop. I won't go back yet...I don't wanna disturb Nat. I change paths to the beach. When I get there, I put the bag in the shade of an umbrella and lay on the deck chair, mostly in the sun. I get out my phone and tweet a picture of the beautiful sea. It's amazing...it's so blue! A bunch of girls run past me in bikinis and I see some guys staring. That's laughable...wow. How shallow. 


I whip around but no-ones looking at me. I look up and see Nat waving at me wildly. I wave back and blow her kisses before grabbing the bag and running for the hotel. I reach the room and barge in with excitement. Nat runs from the bedroom and I pick her up in a hug.  

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna make you sick again!" 

I assure as Nat gives me a cautious look. She giggles and fiddles with her ring. I smile nod kiss her gently. It's 4pm so me and Nat finish our packing and snuggle up on the sofa for the rest of the night, watching movies. My hands are glued to Nat's tummy the whole time...I'm gonna be a fucking dad!

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