Is this it? Have I finally achieved my dream?

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(Ryan's P.O.V)

I wake up and glance over at Nat next to me. I'm happy now...I've got her back. Jackson's got us both back and now were a family again. I smile and kiss Nat on the cheek. She smiles in her sleep and I get out the bed carefully. I peep in Jackson's room...all good. We slept at Andy's house last night. We decided that we'd move Nat and Jackson back today. I walk downstairs and grab a bag of crisps. I sit on the sofa and stick the TV on. Nothing much.

"It's SO like you to eat a bag of crisps at 10 in the morning."

I turn around. Nat's stood leaning on the doorframe. I smirk and say,

"I know. Morning, sweetheart."

Nat hugs me and replies with,


We sit and snuggle up on the sofa.

"So, plans for today. Move you and Jackson back to the house and...then what? I wouldn't mind going into town to treat you."

I say. Nat looks up at me and nods, a smile playing on her face. I kiss her lips gently.

"You guys better not be getting 'jiggy' with each other..."

Andy says, coming into the room. Nat laughs of the look on my face.

"Erm...Andy. Me and Nat might go to the house and sort everything out so when were done we'll come and pick Jackson up. Okay?"

Andy nods and we rush to get ready. When were in the car going to the house Nat has her hand round my neck.

"I don't think there's much to do. Feed Shadow, get all of Joel's things out. Oh, there's nothing of Joel's in there actually."

I say. Nat laughs and gets out the car. When she opens the door, she screams,

"SHADOW! Baby, it's me!"

She runs into the living room and I follow her. They haven't seen each other in 2 months. Shadows really happy to see her, he's licking her face. I leave them both and go sort some things out. I take Nat and Jackson's suitcases upstairs and unpack Jackson's stuff into his draws. He has a very blue and black room. His walls have quite a few Regular Show, Ben 10, Avengers and LEGO Batman posters on them. I put them up for him whenever he asked me to. I store his suitcase tidily in his wardrobe and go to Nat. She's sat on the sofa stroking Shadow.

"Well, I didn't have to do much."

I say, sitting beside her. I text Andy,

"Hey, mate. Let me know when Jackson's woken up and is all ready cause we've finished everything here. We'll come pick him up when you text me."

I slip my arm round Nat and she snuggles into me.

"I'm glad we're back together again. I'm happy again now."

She mumbles. I nod in agreement and kiss her head.

"It was bound to happen. Some people divorce...we got it sorted before it came to that. We were lucky. I mean, we've been married 7 years...that's nothing compared to how long my grandparents were married. 60 years. We've gotten past it all now. Let's make that 7 years into forever."

I say. Nat nods, smiling. I get a text.

"He's all ready now, mate. He's jumping to see you guys."

I get up.

"That was fast. Nat, were going out to town now."

She gets up and pulls her boots and leather jacket on. We get in the car and start to drive to Andy's. I'm driving as usual. It's very rare that Nat drives when were driving together. I stop in front of Andy's house and tell Nat to stay in the car. I run into the house and I'm greeted by Jackson running and hugging my waist.

"Alright, buddy?"

I ask, hugging him back. He nods and I shout,


I take Jackson's bag and he runs to the car shouting,


Nat gets out and swirls him in a hug. I smile and throw Jacksons bag in the boot. We all get on our way to town.

"What shops do you want to go into, mate?"

I ask. Jackson thinks and 5 minutes later,

HMV, Argos and Cooplands! Mummy, can we have a McDonalds after?"

Nat looks at me.

"Go on then. We'll go to shops and have a McDonalds."

She says. I smile. After parking the car, we get out. Me and Nat hold hands and we keep an eye on Jackson in front of us. Heading to HMV, I see in the entrance a group of girls. Girly girls. I glance at Nat. She doesn't seem bothered. But then they look my way and most of them scream. I sigh.


Nat calls, now carrying him. The girls start coming over.

"Babe, we'll be inside."

She says to me.

"No! I can drop it...for you?"

I ask. Nat smiles and shakes her head. She walks away.

(After 5 whole minutes of picture taking and hugs)

"Sorry, guys."

I say, joining my family.

"Daddy? Why did all those girls want to see you?"

Jackson asks, holding my hand. Nat smiles and immediately says,

"You won't understand properly until your older. But Daddy's famous. He's a rock star. He's also MY husband. And you have the best Daddy ever."

Jackson's eyes widen and I laugh. Nat smiles and kisses me passionately. I've gotten to where I wanted to be in life...I've done it. I'm finally happy.

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