Its time!

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(Natalie's P.O.V) (3 weeks later)

"Ryan, something doesn't feel right..."

I say. I've just woken up. Ryan turns over in the bed to face me.

"Why? What's wrong?"

He asks, groggily. I frown.

"I don't know. Something's feels different than usual. Just forget it. Probably just me. You going back to sleep?"

I ask. Ryan sighs.

"Dunno. You?"

He replies.

"Well, once I'm awake I can't get back to sleep."

I say, yawning. Ryan hurls and I swat him on the arm.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Give me 2 minutes, yeah, babe?"

I nod and waddle downstairs. My hospital bag lays near the door. I sigh, looking at it. A week and it'll be used. I can't deal with pain. That's something that I'm worried about. I just cant deal with it. Ryan knows but I think he's just ignoring it and acting positive. Shadows laid across the rug in front of the TV and XBOX. I wave at him and he barks in greeting.


Ryan yells. I sigh and put my finger over my lips to Shadow, who looks. I sit on the sofa and walk my fingers over my bump. I feel a kick. Ryan staggers in and kisses me. Then he turns on the XBOX. I join him on GTA as I'm hardly going to get any time on it from now on. We play for about 2 hours and then realise that we should get changed. I slip my leggings on along with a stretchy vest top with a cardigan. I tie my hair up and sigh. I look like a slob!


I call. Ryan comes in with his top half on.

"Yeah, baby?

He asks. I hesitate.

"Do you think I'm a state?"

I ask. Ryan splutters with laughter and I swat him on the chest.

"It's not funny!"

I exclaim. Ryan calms down and says,

"Listen, not every 9 month pregnant woman is supposed to look like she's just being put in a Barbie box. You don't. And I like that. I love how your means I can cuddle you more without the risk of snapping your spine in half! Your not a state and your not pristine. I love you just the way you are."

He kisses my forehead and cuddles me from behind. I gasp as there's a sharp pain in my stomach. Ryan looks at me. I smile to tell him not to worry. Suddenly, the house phone rings. Ryan sprints to get it whilst I waddle after him. He snakes an arm round me whilst he listens.


He mouths to me and I nod.

"Well, there's the gig today. I can't miss that. Don't worry, I'll be there. Alright I'll be there in 2 hours. Cya, mate."

He says, putting the phone down onto the receiver.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here instead of doing the gig? I feel like a shit husband."

He says, taking both of my hands. I smile.

"Seriously. It's a gig. I would never take you away from a gig except if it was an emergency."

I assure. Ryan sucks his teeth.

"I know but you said that something didn't feel right this morning. What if the baby decides to come a week early whilst I'm at the gig? What then?"

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