Your my life...and so is this baby.

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

I wake up to Ryan's eyes gazing at me. I smile and yawn.

"Morning, sweetheart. How you doing?"

He asks, stroking my cheek. I shrug.

"I'm okay. You've got your interview today."

I point out. Ryan groans.

"Can't people give me a fucking break?! I've just got back from my damn honeymoon!"

He complains. I laugh and feel Ryan put a hand on my tummy. I put one of my own over it ad lace our fingers together. I feel Ryan smirk.

"How are we going to break it to the fans?"

Ryan asks. I think. This is a tricky one. Twitter, the interview...

"How about twitter and then the interview?"

I ask. Ryan nods and says,

"Whatever. I love my fans and I don't want to keep a secret this big away from them."

I agree and close my eyes. Ryan hums Parachute, a song from Chapman Square Chapter II, and I smile. We have to be at Capital Radio Station in 3 hours so we just lie in bed.

"Ryan, could you check my phone please? It's on your side."

I ask. Ryan withdraws his arm and passes me my phone, replacing the arm afterwards. I kiss him and punch in my password. 2 new texts.

"Hey, sis. We'll meet you at the radio station. Love ya, cya later! Xxx"

That was off Andy, the next one is off Joel.

"Morning, Nat. Just wanna let you know that none of us have put anything about your pregnancy on twitter. Were gonna wait until you wanna tell let us know, yeah? Love ya, bye! Xxx"

I chuck my phone at Ryan who puts it back on the table.

"Andy told us to meet them there and Joel said that they are waiting for us to tell people about my pregnancy until they do."

I explain. Ryan nods and rubs my tummy slowly. I smile and put a hand over his.

"This baby's gonna have the best life parents, best uncles, best cousins. But most of all...the best mother."

Ryan whispers, eyes locked on mine. I beam, throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"I love you so much, baby. I always will. Your my life and now, so is our baby. Hurry up and grow, little tyke. I wanna look after your mummy when she's as big as a whale!"

He says, kissing my bare tummy. I swat him and Ryan laughs.

"Hey! You'll look gorgeous! I wanna see if I can get my arms around you!"

He jokes. I blush and giggle. But then I get out of bed.

"Where you going?"

Ryan asks.

"I'm getting ready. You know, everyone does it."

There's a moan.

"But it's only...fair point, honey."

I laugh. It's 9.00. Ryan tumbles out of bed yawning.

"I'll make you a coffee, babe."

I say, walking downstairs. I open the kitchen blinds and start making us coffees. I hear bangs from upstairs and I groan.


I shout. I hear a laugh from upstairs. I smile and put Ryan's coffee on the table and start drinking mine. Ryan comes down in shorts and a long top. He looks fit. He smiles at me as he walks in.

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