The night at the hospital...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Joel puts his hand on my shoulder and says,

"You did good, Nat. Well done."

I smile at him. I look to Ryan who's showing the twins our son. I love my little Jackson. Ryan's got a massive smile plastered on his face. I can't believe that I've just given birth. I never thought I'd get through it, considering that I can't put up with most pain. I'm really proud of myself. The nurse comes back and we tell her the baby's name so she can finish off the birth certificate.

"Erm, unfortunately, everyone has to leave now. Visiting hours were over some time ago."

She says. I sigh, everyone saying bye to me and that they'll text me and stuff. After final congratulations, Ryan sits in the chair. The nurse is waiting.

"I'm staying the night."

Ryan informs. I shake my head. He nods and says,

"Yeah. I'm staying with you...what if something happens?"

I roll my eyes and say,

"Nothing will, babe."

Ryan scoffs.

"Where have I heard THAT before?"

He jokes. I smirk and me and Ryan give our last snuggles to Jackson before the nurse takes him away. There's a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Am I still pregnant or something?"

I ask, indicating at my tummy. Ryan laughs and kisses my cheek.

"So, you've got some baby fat. So? I don't care. Your my wife and we have a beautiful son."

He soothes. I sigh.

"You don't have t-"

I blurt, only to be interrupted with,

"YES, I do. End of discussion."

I sigh and lay back on my pillows. Ryan gets comfy in the chair when he knows I'm comfortable. But just as I close my eyes, he slips his fingers round mine.

"Love you, Natalie. See you in the morning..."

He whispers. I grin and whisper back,

"I love you too, Ryan. See you in my dreams..."

Ryan sucks his teeth and says,

"Oh! I should have used that one!"

I laugh and he kisses my hand before we fall asleep.

(In the morning)

I wake up to my phone going off. Ryan's gone. I ignore the worry and pick my phone up.


"Hi, darling! How was the birth? I need everything!"

"Hi, Mum! I'm guessing Andy rung you, huh?"

"Yeah, he rang me at blooming 12 at night! But it was good news, so it doesn't matter."

"It went really well. Ryan was with me the whole time and he made it easier."

"That's great, honey. We have a load of presents to give you so when shall we turn up?"

"Erm...could you make it tomorrow? I think Ryan's parents are coming aswell. The boys, me, Narissa, her and Adams kids and you lot will be at mine if that's ok?"

"Yeah, that's perfect! About 12ish, yeah?"

"That's fine. I've got to go now, Mum, but I'll let you know what's happening after we've got the baby home and settled in. Bye!"

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