Heartbreaking goodbyes...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

I run into Andy's room and throw my arms around his sleeping body. I squeeze him tight and he says,

"Morning, Nat...you alright?"

I shake my head and he sighs.

"Yeah, I thought so. Come on, I'll make you a famous Andy Brown fry up before we go."

He takes my hand and lead an emotional me down into the kitchen. He sits me down at the the kitchen table and I watch him as he cooks. I check twitter on my phone and I see tweets from the other boys.


Leaving for tour today, guys! Gonna miss people but changing subject...WHO'S COMING TO SEE US??? X"

I smile and tweet to him,



"Everywhere We Go Tour is starting in 18 days! Who's got tickets? Time to get in the studio in America! X"

And finally there's Ryan's tweet.


"Looking forward to going on tour, just wishing that I could take my princess with me cause I'm gonna miss the shit out of her. Love you, babe @lovelyNatz41 Xxx"

I don't tweet him. Andy places in front of me a cooked breakfast and I dig in whilst he eats his. It's delicious as always and Andy manages to lift my mood up a bit by making me laugh with his smart remarks to random things. We both finish and I kiss Andy on the cheek and say thank you. He pats my shoulder and we go to get ready. I dress simple. Superman converse, black skinny's, Superman top, black cardi. I slip my phone into my back pocket along with my pair of house keys (Andy's got a pair too). I wait outside Andy's room and he comes out in joggers, vest, converse and a beanie and he's dragging his suitcase and backpack. He's also carrying his guitar. I warn,

"Andy, be careful bringing your guitar. Remember what happened to Ryan. His bass came out shattered into pieces."

He nods and I take his guitar off him and we put the things in the boot of his car. We get in and Andy checks his phone.

"Right, we'd better get off since the rest of the boys are already there."

He says. Starting the car, Andy heads for the airport. I put We'll Be Coming Back by Example and Calvin Harris on the car sound system and we sing along to the lyrics. He swears as he hits his hand I the bottom of the steering wheel whilst being too enthusiastic in his gestures. I chuckle and stare out of the window at all the passing houses. Before I know it, were walking through the busy airport entrance. From a distance, I can see Ryan towering over people. I start to drag Andy through the masses of people and when Joel spots us, he smiles and judges Ryan. He turns round, sees me, drops all of his stuff and comes running. He hits me with so much force that when he spins me around, I feel dizzy. He kisses me sweetly and I nuzzle my head into his neck. He walks with me snuggled into him and carefully picks up his luggage. Adams carrying Rose whilst his backpack is latched onto his back. Narissa comes to give me a hug and we stay in an embrace for minutes.

"Well, guys! We're gonna have to start going and boarding the plane."

Arron says. Arron is the manager of Lawson and he's lovely to me and Narissa. We all start walking to the gate where the boys have to go through terminal. We walk slowly and I carry Ryan's bass so he can hold my hand. Adams holding both of his kids and is whispering to them. I smile and rest my head on Ryan's shoulder. Andy and Joel are joking about with Mikey, Lawsons tour manager who does everything with them. Ryan trips up and has me in tears of laughter as he sneezes at the same time. Ryan laughs with me and he says,

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