The friendly gathering

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

Ryan parks in the driveway. There's more cars than before we left. It must be neighbours.

"Babe, are you getting Jackson?"

Ryan asks. I nod and get out the car. Ryan does the same but goes to open the boot to get stuff out. Jackson's asleep so I carefully get him out of the car in his carrier. Ryan smiles at me and locks the car. I open the door and close it after Ryan comes in.

"Where is everyone?"

I whisper. Ryan shrugs but whispers,

"Probably in the living room."

I nod and Ryan follows me into the living room.


A loud chorus calls. I smile and look around. Ryan's smiling. The whole room is decorated with blue banners, balloons and food."

"Mum, you are one sneaky lady!"

Ryan calls. I see him rush to the crowd of people and hug Lynn. I smile, looking for my parents. Andy shakes his head. I nod and place Jackson on the sofa, still in his carrier.

"Thanks for the suprise, guys. That was quick!"

I thank, hugging everyone. Andy goes to sit next to Jackson and I hug Lynn and Gary.

"Where's Lee?"

I ask. Ryan scoffs,

"Oh, who gives a rats ass where HE is?! Not me!"

Lee runs into the room and picks me up in a hug.

"My sister-in-law has just had a baby, she gets a massive Lee Fletcher hug!"

He jokes. I laugh and swat his arm. He kisses my cheek and goes over to Ryan.

"Hello, brother."

He says. Ryan bursts out laughing and they hug. I take my coat and shoes off and sit down with Ryan and Joel. Everyone takes seats and Lee and Andy won't give Jackson up to anybody. Lynn and Gary are melting over him and were all just catching up. Joel's doing this wierd handshake thing with me and Ryan's texting on his phone.

"The other guys are here, babe."

He says. I nod and there's a knock on the front door. Adam goes to get it and comes back with Kieran, Dean, Sean, Kit, Ashley and Robbie. I wave at them and they call out greeting to everyone. I get up to hug all of them and they all congratulate me and Ryan.

"Where's the little monster?"

Dean asks. I smile and take Jackson off Lee. He sulks.

"Guys, come in the kitchen. It's too crowded in here for him. Ryan, you coming?"

I ask. Ryan nods and follows us into the kitchen. I leave Ryan to sort out Jackson and the boys and go round opening some windows. I go back to where Ashley's holding Jackson and Ryan's joking around with Kieran.

"5th member of Room 94, coming up!"

Sean calls, earning small laughs. I swat him on the arm and ruffle his hair. I watch as Jackson goes round the six of them, alert if any one of them drops him. Ryan takes him when they're all done and Lee immediately comes and steals him away again.


Ryan shouts. I take his hand and chat with the boys a bit.

"If you can make it down to the tour, let us know and we'll send you some tickets, yeah?"

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