She stealed your soul for the night...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

Well, last night went well. Adam and Narissa aren't here as they are on their honeymoon. We all threw confetti at them as they drove off. I stretch, kicking the covers off my legs as I do. Andy didn't seem happy last night...we came home and then he went straight to his room. Ryan and Joel slept over cause there wasn't any point in them going all the way home. I look around the room and see mine and Ryan's wedding clothes folded up on the chair. Good boy, honey. I walk downstairs to find Ryan, Joel and Andy sitting at the table.

"NAT! Your FINALLY up!"

Joel says, running up and hugging me. I laugh and kiss his cheek. Ryan kisses me good morning and I look at Andy expectantly. But instead of a greeting, I get a sight of tears.

"Come on, mate! She used you, are you really gonna let her get to you this much?"

Ryan says. I rush to Andy and he falls into my arms, crying.

"What's wrong, Andy? Please tell me!"

I ask, concerned. Andy wipes his eyes and sits down, us doing the same.

"Last night at the wedding, I met Pearla. She was gorgeous and attractive. Well, she had something about her. Something secret. It got me wanting her. We got off with each other (I snort in disgust) and she was SO seductive. It was like I was in a she was ridding me of ANY other feelings that didn't involve her. And then just as we was about can guess, she left. Broke my heart."

My big brother explains. I hug him.

"She was Adams cousin. I asked him cause I saw you two going off. Then we spent most of the night looking for you. Nat, did you wonder why I was being so shifty?"

Ryan says. I nod and he says,

"That's why. Joel got involved too."

Joel holds a hand up and stuffs a piece of toast in his mouth. It's just hit me how hungry I am! I stare at Ryan with puppy dog eyes and he gets the hint. He kisses my forehead and gets to work. Andy gets up and mumbles,

"I'm going upstairs. Thanks, guys."

I hug him and say,

"If you want anything, I'm here."

Andy nods and Ryan and Joel shout bye. I sit in Ryan's seat next to Joel and rest my head on his shoulder, shutting my eyes. There's a loud crunch as Joel takes a bite out of his toast.

"Shhhhh, Joel!"

I hiss. Joel jumps and his piece of toast lands on the floor. He glares at me and I run into the living room. Joel drags me onto the sofa and tickles me.


I yell, laughing. I try to bat Joel off but I don't succeed until Ryan pulls him off me. I get up and see Joel and Ryan having banter jokingly.

"Baby? What are you cooking for me?"

I ask sweetly, as Joel goes back into the kitchen.

"Pancakes, just for my little baby. And since its your birthday tomorrow, we've made a reservation for all 4 of us at...well...that's a surprise!"

He replies, grinning. I clap. I was so bothered about the wedding and Andy, that I didn't realise that I'm turning 23 tomorrow!

"Oh, your too mean and childish."

I tease, tracing my fingers over his lips. Ryan smirks and kisses me. We go back into the kitchen and Ryan serves up a batch of pancakes for me. Joel steals one and Ryan can't resist taking one. I look at Ryan and then he groans, opens the cupboard and gets out the Nutella and sugar.

"Thank you!"

I say, kissing him. He smiles as I put dollops of nutulla and some sugar on mine and fold them up. I start eating and then Joel bursts out laughing.

"Look at us! We're right pigs!"

I laugh and Ryan doesn't respond. After I'm finished, I go up into my room. I get out a book from under my pillow, Anastasia. Ok, Iv loved this book since I was a little girl and I can't go anywhere far away without it. It takes me about 5 minutes to get halfway through.

"Aren't you a bit old for that, honey?"

I jump and whip around to see Ryan at the door, an eyebrow raised. I breathe and say,

"I love this book. I like to think that Anastasia and Dimitri are like us, even though they are far from it."

Ryan chuckles and lays on the bed next to me.

"Ok, explain."

He orders. I smile and show him the cover.

"Anastasia is a princess, but as a teenager her royal family is taken down by the evil Rasputin. When her and her grandma, The Empress, try to escape on the train to Paris, she falls on the platform and forgets everything. Years later, a man called Dimitri finds Anastasia, take her to Paris. But they don't realise that she is the real princess. When they take Anya to her grandma, they are reunited and then Dimitri and Anya kiss and live happily ever after."

Ryan's nodding and he squeezes me in a giant hug.

"Aww, your so cute!"

He whispers. He takes the book and flips through the pages.

"You've drawn on some of the pages."

He points out, pointing at a stick girl in a wedding dress with a crown on. I blush and nod.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

As we go downstairs hand in hand, Andy comes out onto the landing. He comes to join us at the table, Joel with us, happier than he was this morning.

"Guys, I'm writing a's called Juliet. It's about Pearla. I need some help for this part."

Andy says. I nod and Nat thinks for a bit.

"For the rest of the verse, how about...

'Thinking you're the one

Many men have tried and failed

Captured by her bold

Stay away from Juliet

You will lose control.'?"

She says. Andy hugs her tightly and says,

"That's amazing! I'm using that!"

And he disappears back upstairs again. Well, that was a short encounter. Joel seems to think the same thing. We go into the living room and Nat switches the TV on. The animal programme comes on and it's about giraffes.

"You know, Iv heard that giraffes have really long tongues. Maybe you could get some tips, mate."

Joel jokes. I laugh and pull Nats head to mine, slipping my tongue in her mouth. She doesn't reject it, surprisingly. Our tongues are fighting for dominance fiercely whilst I caress Nat's cheek gently. She secretly feels me over my joggers and I yell. Joel looks at us, obviously amused, and turns away again. We break away and she goes out of the room.

"Mate, why the hell are you watching this shit? Give me the remote."

I say. Joel's sat watching Aladdin. I used to hate that film as a kid. I turn over channels to Marvel Ultimate Spiderman. Joel raises an eyebrow at me and says,


I stick my middle finger out at him and reply,

"Nat likes it so shut up."

Joel laughs and Nat walks in. As soon as she sees the TV she squeals and lands herself on the sofa, next to me, eyes transfixed on the screen. I chuckle and kiss her head. Iv just noticed that Joel is asleep...HE WAS AWAKE JUST A MINUTE AGO! Wierd child...Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow! She will love it.!

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