Baby time!

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(Natalie's P.O.V) (7 months later)

7 months have gone by and I have no idea how they went so fast! Juliets just come out and is a hit. the boys hired Kelly Brooke for the video and I got kinda jealous as her and Ryan get a bit TOO close for my liking...Adam and Narissa know what Narissa's having but they are keeping it a secret. Narissa's freaking out as the baby could come at any second now. Adams fidgeting. Joel and Andy are playing FIFA whilst me and Ryan are kissing on the sofa. We've been together a year and a half now. I love him so much.

"Alright, guys. Enough of that now!"

Andy jokes as Ryan grabs my ass, making me squeal. Ryan smirks and goes red.

"Right, guys! I think me and Narissa will be off home now. Thanks for the drinks and stuff!"

Adam says. We all say bye and wave as they walk out the door. Adam and Narissa now have a house near Joel and Ryan's house. I guess you could say me and Andy are the house outcasts! Ryan gives me a final kiss and him and Joel walk out the door too. Me and Andy hug, say goodnight and go into our rooms. I'm shattered. I strip down my underwear and fall asleep in that. I'm too tired to dress myself! Soon enough, I'm dropping asleep...


I'm woken up by my phone ringing. It's 5 in the morning! I groan.


I ask groggily.

"Nat, Narissa's waters have broke! We're driving to the hospital now! Meet us there as soon as you can?"

Adam shouts, frantically.

"Holy shit! Yeah, of course! Just get her to hospital and we'll be there!"

I order, ending the call. I jump out of bed and run into Andy's room. I shake him. He doesn't move. I shout in his deaf ear.


And he wakes up in a shot.

"Get ready, Narissa's giving birth!"

I order. He starts sorting through his clothes and I run out and ring Ryan and Joel.


Ryan's sleepy voice answers.

"Ryan, make sure you and Joel are ready to go out cause Narissa's giving birth and we need to go...NOW!"

I shout. I hear frantic footsteps on the stairs before I terminate the call and go to get ready. I throw some shorts on, my peplum top and black jacket and superman converse. Comfortable AND fashionable! I brush my hair and teeth and me and Andy rush off to pick Ryan and Joel up. It's an excitable car journey as we jabber about names and stuff. When we arrive, Andy beeps the horn three times and the boys come out. We see Joel and Ryan come out quickly and lock the door. When they get into the car I turn around and Ryan kisses me. I smile and pat Joel's knee.

"Guys! I can't believe it! I'm gonna be an Auntie! Well, not a proper one..."

I squeal. Andy chuckles and says,

"You'll be a great Auntie, Nat. You'll be a PROPER Auntie when I have day."

I roll my eyes and I go,

"Oh, don't be all gloomy, Andy!"

Before we know it, Andy's pulling into the hospital car park. The same one as Ryan was in. I don't like thinking about it. I was scared to death...We all get out of the car quickly and make our way to the entrance, me and Ryan clenching each others hand. We ask for Narissa Pitts at the Reception and she gives us a card to find the room. We take the lift to floor Narissa's on and search for the door. And when we find it, we hear screams. I shiver and Ryan covers my ears quickly. I hate live screams and Ryan knows that cause when we were at Liverpool, Mum screamed in panic when she walked across a road and a car came speeding towards her. The scream...put me in a trance like thing! I hear Andy urge Ryan,

"Take her somewhere else! NOW!"

And Ryan starts leading me round the corner. He finds a quiet empty corridor for us to sit in and listens for any screams. There isn't any so Ryan sits down next to me. It doesn't affect me when I do it, except for if its loads of times and then I get wierd. I'm still shivering so Ryan rubs my arms with his hands and pushes my hair behind my ear, kissing my temple lightly. 5 minutes later, I'm back to normal and were kissing to pass the time...rough kissing...until Andy comes.

"Come on!"

Ryan covers my ears and we walk back to the room. There isn't any screams so Ryan lets go. I kiss him thankfully and the door opens, revealing a beaming Adam. He hugs us all and invites us in. Ryan's got an arm around me and Joels got my other hand. When we enter the room, we see Narissa in a hospital bed. I run to her and hug her tightly.

"Congratulations, babe!"

I say. She smiles and says,

"Thanks! Adam?"

We all look to Adam and he asks,

"Do you wanna come and meet our kids?"

I run and Adam leads us to two incubators. AWWWWW!

"Adam, they are so cute! Congratulations! You had twins!"

I stick my hand into one and the baby's hand wraps around my thumb. I gasp and whisper,

"Ryan, look at how small their hands are!"

Ryan nods and Adam says,

"This one (pointing at the one I'm holding hands with) is Alex and this one is Rose (pointing at the other one). Do you want to hold them?"

I nod frantically. Adam laughs and picks up Rose. He kisses her on the nose and hands her to me carefully. I rest Rose in my arms, supporting her head with my hand, gazing at her. I see Ryan hesitate whilst Adam tries to give him Alex. I smile and go over, handing Rose over to Andy.

"Ryan, rest him in your arms but support his head with your hand. Like this..."

Adam hands Alex over to me and I show Ryan. He nods slowly and I make sure he's doing it right before I slowly place Alex in Ryan's arms.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

Wow...I'm holding a baby! My little's so small. I look over to Nat, who's cooing over Rose with Joel and smile. Andy sits next to me and we just gaze at Alex.

"Well, honey! These horrible people have stolen our children!"

I put a finger up to him and everyone roars with laughter. I hug Alex close and he snuggles up to me.

"I think he likes you..."

Adam says. I grin and pass Alex over to Andy. I go to Nat and Joel and gaze at Rose. Joel passes Rose to me and me and Nat stand admiring her. I look over at Ad's and Narissa who are kissing happily. One day, I hope that's me and Nat. A kid, marriage and whatnot. It's time to hand Alex and Rose back Adam and Narissa so we do so and wave goodbye, with congratulations. We'll see them tomorrow back home. I skip across the floor and Nat laughs at me. Andy starts to dance with Joel and me and Ryan laugh hysterically.

"Lets just get home, guys!

Nat says, in between laughs. We nod and make our way to the car and soon, were home! Andy starts to call a Chinese and we settle on the sofa watching Anastasia for Nat. I have a perfect girlfriend, a perfect nephew, well, he's not really my nephew but Narissa wants him to be. I'm sorted...for now!

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