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(Natalie's P.O.V) (Time off over)

Oh my head! We're all together again and Lawson are doing a gig at a place in London. I refused to go since I have a horrible headache. I'm laying in my PJs in bed, drinking from a bottle of water. My phone rings. At first I think it's Narissa but then I look and see its Andy. I sit up slowly and answer the phone.


I ask.

"Natalie! It's Ryan!"

I'm confused but start to panic.

"Andy, what are you on about?"

I ask, frantically. I hear talking over the phone and then Andy says,

"Ryan's been rushed to hospital! You don't have to come but he's asking for you."

I panic and end the call. Headache or not, I'm going to go see my boyfriend! I got a shower this morning so I fling some skinny's on with one of Ryan's tops that he left here and my black heels. I brush my hair, get out the house, lock it and I'm in the car. My heads pounding but I try to ignore it. As I'm quickly making my way to the hospital, a thought hits me. Back at Ryan's house, I had a dream that Kallum had stabbed Ryan in the abdomen and he had to be rushed to hospital. I woke up in a cold sweat and Ryan had to calm me down. Dreams can't be real. That would just be mad. No, Ryan hasn't been stabbed. I'm fretting horribly as I park the car in the car park. I slip my phone in my leather jacket pocket and run into the hospital reception. I go up to the receptionist and say,

"I'm here to see Ryan Fletcher?"

She smiles at me and tells me where he is. I thank her and run to the lift, but its line is huge. I don't care, I'm taking the stairs. As I race up the steps, tears keep splashing out of my eyes. Tears of panic, worry and hope. Panic that I want Ryan to not be stabbed, Worry that he's in pain and Hope that he'll be okay. I reach the floor he's on and barge through the door. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look quite attractive without meaning too. I run through the corridors and finally see Andy, Joel and Adam sitting outside a hotel room. I stop and they see me. My heads banging drums and suddenly, I lose it. I know I don't know what's happened to Ryan but I lose it completely. Joel runs over and supports me. He crushes me into a hug and I bawl into his t-shirt. He kisses my head and then Andy and Adam take their hugs, Andy taking longer. But they're all smiling slightly.

"After the gig, Ryan fell down the stage steps and landed on a drum kit, getting a drumstick bashed into his chest."

I gasp and cover my mouth. Joel wipes my tears away and adds,

"But he's okay! He's still Rhino...they're not letting us go in yet though."

I breathe and Andy and Joel hold my hands as we walk back to the chairs. Andy gives up his seat for me and stands up. Joel's still gripping my hand but I don't care as Adams got the other one. After a while, I start to panic as they haven't let us in yet but funnily enough, a nurse comes out and tells us we can go in. I look up at Andy. He knows what I'm saying.

"Guys, us three will go in first and then after, him and Nat can have all the time they need."

He says and Joel and Adam nod. Andy hugs me and the three of them go into the room. I check twitter to see if Ryan may have out anything but he hasn't. The last tweet was about us all being back together yesterday morning. Instead I see tweets from fans.

"Feel sorry for @lovelyNatz41...she must be worried sick about @LawsonRyan xxx"

"No idea what happened so fast. Get well soon Ryan! Xxx"

"That drumstick must have hurt...@lovelyNatz41 please don't be too upset and post updates to how he's doing? Xx"

I retweet them and reply to all of them. I put my phone back and rest my head in my hands. My headaches not getting any better. I massage my forehead and the 3 boys come out smiling broadly. Andy hugs me and I ask,

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