Is it Christmas yet?

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(Natalie's P.O.V) (18th December)

The boys are supposed to come home in 2 days. Me and Narissa are looking forward to it so much. Alex and Rose are growing every day and Narissa is so proud. Iv spent the last month sleeping at my own house so I can get it tidy and ready for Andy to come home. It's suprising but you can actually SEE his floor now! Shadow has been the greatest little baby ever. Bless him, he was kind of forgotten about with all of the fussiness going on but he's cuddled up with me on the bed right now. Ryan wants to see Shadow so badly, he was saying the other day over the phone. Shadow whimpers as he gets his law stuck under my arm. I lift my arm and kiss his head lightly.

"I'm sorry, baby."

Shadow snuggles into me under the covers and starts to whine. I sigh.

"I know. Daddy Ryan will be back in two days, baby...think we can live till then?"

Shadows big bright eyes look at me. I kiss him and stroke his fur. I'm just glad that this tour is almost over. No more air kisses! I can have real ones whenever I want! Ryan was brilliant on tour. Me, Narissa, Alex and Rose got VIP tickets but Ryan and Adam payed for them. We was in the stands so the noise didn't get to the kids as much. They were fine and Adam and Ry did a shout-out to us. We got plenty of pictures and Ryan kept waving at me. The VIP treatment after was sad since we only had an allotted time with the boys. But there coming home in 2 days...we're meeting them at the airport. I think I'm just gonna spend all day in bed. Watching DVDs and sleeping. Iv had Alex and Rose sleep here sometimes to give Narissa a break. I know everything about babies now...just in case I have one. I get twitter up on my phone and see loads of tweets from Ryan. I roll my eyes but have to smile.


"@lovelyNatz41 missing you! Xxx"

I tweet him back with,


@LawsonRyan sorry I didn't answer I was ASLEEP with my baby husky! My impatient boyfriend...missing you tooooooooo! Xxx"

I'm in my bra and black lace knickers so I put my plaid shirt on over them. I stick some loud music on and dance around, Shadow watching me from under the covers on my bed. My phone goes off and I check it.


"Jesus, my lazy girlfriend! Missing you both! 2 days!"

And with it Ryan has posted a picture of him pulling a pet lip. He looks cute. I decide to send a video of me singing along to Baby I by Ariana Grande so I switch Baby I on and video myself singing. It's only a 10 second video but Ryan will like it. I pick up Shadow and put him next to the speakers. I watch him look at them curiously. I get my phone and video him. A blast of music comes out and he jumps back from them, making me laugh. I turn the volume down and Shadow goes back to explore. Suddenly, my phone goes off. I finish the video and look.


"Nice singing babe! Check mine out!"

And a video with Ryan singing R U Crazy comes up. I laugh my head off cause its got Joel in too.

"I miss you..."

I say to myself. Shadow jumps onto the floor and sits at my feet.

"Looking forward to Daddy coming home?"

I ask and Shadow snuffles. I hug him tightly and say,

"Your gonna be gorgeous when your older, your gonna be a big dog that looks after us, aren't ya?"

He pants and wags his tail.

(Ryan's P.O.V) (2 days later)

"Fucking hell! Joel, were finally here, get up!"

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