The Never Ending Slumber Party...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)

"Narissa, thanks so much for letting me stay here whilst the boys are on tour. Your an absolute star."

I thank Narissa at the dining table. We're sitting drinking coffee.

"Oh, think nothing of it! So was the bed ok for you last night then? And I'm sorry about the wake up calls at 3am. 4 days old babies...what timing, eh?"

She says. I laugh and reply,

"Yeah the bed was fine. And it's ok. If I'm gonna ever have kids one day then I should get practise!"

Narissa smiles and puts down her cup.

"Be honest, Nat. Do you want kids?"

She asks seriously. I bite my lip and nod quickly. She grins and asks,

"Ryan's kids?"

I roll my eyes and nod.

"I don't actually know if he's up for kids. He's only mentioned it once. Anyway, you and Adam seem like the happiest parents in the world right now."

I say. Narissa smiles brightly and says,

"Yeah, but its a nightmare! Me and Adam take it in turns to check on them in the night when either one or both start bawling their eyes out. It's only in the morning, they sleep till 11! What the hell? It's normally Alex who starts it off and poor Rose is crying after him."

I chuckle and drink my coffee.

"You know, I thought that Andy would be the first one to get married and have kids. I just couldn't see Adam getting married!"

I point out. Narissa nods in agreement.

"I know. I was surprised when he proposed that night to be completely honest. Obviously I was over the moon but I didn't think he had it in him. I was expecting to have to wait 5 more years!"

She laughs. Suddenly, there's loud cries from upstairs. I offer to do it and make my way upstairs. Entering the babies room, I walk quietly to Alex's cot as he's the one who's crying and pick him up. I rock him about slowly and shush lightly. Rose is still asleep, thank god. Suddenly, music starts blaring out from the room that I'm staying in. Juliet by Lawson. I walk into my room and see that my phones going. It's Ryan as there's an ID of me and Ryan kissing. What time is it? 7.00! He's up early!


"Hey! There's my little babe! How are you doing? Are you ok?"

"I'm doing fine and YES I'm ok!"

"Good. Couldn't sleep last night."

"Oh, was you missing me too much?"

"No, the bed was uncomfortable."


I feel embarrassed now.

"I'm only joking, baby! I couldn't sleep cause you were a continent away from me!"

Ryan laughs over the phone.

"Aww, your sweet. Eh, I was ok last night. Missing you, but I was tired."

Alex gurgles and laughs at the toy I'm handing to him. It's a little octopus with sticky suction cups.

"Are you with the babies?"

I laugh at his excited voice.

"I'm holding your little nephew. He's just playing with a toy octopus. Aren't you, honey?"

I say, speaking to Alex. He gurgles and Ryan chuckles.

"I really want to kiss you...I need you..."

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