Wedding Bells...FINALLY for me...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)


I'm woken up by 2 guys, jumping on my bed and screaming. I fall out onto the floor and I'm picked up by Andy and Joel.

"Morning, sis!"

Andy greets. I smile and hug him. But then it suddenly hits me like a brick wall.

"'s my wedding day..."

I whisper, grasping his wrists for support. He nods happily and I breathe out. Whoah, I am so nervous. Joel rubs my back as I start to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, Nat. Your gonna be fine!"

Andy assures. I nod, catching up with my breath, and stumble over to my wardrobe. I open it and see the dress hung up, it's long skirt all over the place. I close the door and close my eyes also. Andy comes up behind me and whispers,

"Guess who's here?"

I turn around expecting Ryan to be stood there in his boxers but am faced with something awesome.

"There's my little girl!"

Dad shouts, racing to hug me. He folds me into a hug and I squeeze him tightly. I look over his shoulder and see Andy with an arm around Mum, who's holding back tears. I run and collapse into her arms. Mum strokes my hair and it can feel her tears seeping into my skin.

"Oh, Mum! Don't please!"

I beg. She nods and takes a deep breath. There's a knock at the front door and Joel comes up minutes later with Narissa. We hug for ages. Whilst everyone goes down for drinks, me, Narissa and Mum stay to get me ready. After I'm out the shower, Narissa dryes my hair and starts to curl the bottom bits of my long hair. Mum does my make up and nails and she does this white crystal pattern on them. Whilst Narissa finishes off my hair, Mum goes to join the boys.

"Feels wierd, doesn't it? The morning of your wedding day where you'll leave the house as Miss Brown...but come back as Mrs Fletcher. Well, in my case it was Mrs Pitts."

Narissa asks, laughing. I nod and Narissa finishes with the curling tongs. I smile and wait as she carefully places the diamond tiara on top of my hair. She steps back and claps her hands together.

"Babe, you look...stunning. And you haven't even got your dress on yet..."

She giggles. I smirk and admire how natural I look. Narissa had done a bang up job on my hair and she skips over to the wardrobe. Getting out her dress, she leaves the room whilst I get myself into the dress. I quickly strip, adjusting my strapless bra and stepping into the white gown. Narissa comes back in and I gasp.

"Oh, look at you! The flowers go SO well with the dress!"

Narissa blushes and says,

"Yeah, well it isn't about me. It's about the bride. Want me to tighten you up?"

I nod and take a deep breath as Narissa pulls on the corset strings, causing me to gasp. After 5 or 10 minutes of lacing me up, Narissa's finished. I can breathe. That's the good thing! Narissa takes a photo on her phone and shows me it. I cover my mouth.

"I look so skinny!"

Is all I can manage to say. Narissa laughs.

"You always are, silly!"

She says. I raise an eyebrow and step into my heels. Narissa smiles and suddenly runs out.


I hear gasps and footsteps on the stairs. This is where all the fussiness comes. There's choruses of gasps when everyone sees me. They are all in their wedding clothes.

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