He's my baby...

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(Natalie's P.O.V) (2 months later)

"Ryan, can you get this one?"

I mumble. Ryan groans but gets out of bed. I snuggle back down into the covers as I hear Ryan calming Jackson down. I've been doing pretty much everything lately...It's a few minutes before Ryan slips back into the bed. I let him put his arm around me but I check the time.

"Oh. Ryan, it's 6 in the morning."

I groan. Ryan shrugs and rests his head on my neck. I guess we can snuggle up for a bit. Shadows laid at the foot of the bed.

"Hey, sweetheart?"

Ryan asks. I look at him and he props his elbows up on the pillow.

"Erm, me and the guys have been thinking about another tour..."

He says. Oh, here we go.


I ask. Ryan replies with,

"In a month."

I sigh.

"Ryan, 2 months ago, I had Jackson. Can't it wait for another year or so?"

I ask in disbelief. Ryan groans.

"Yeah, 2 months. Not a day like Adam and Narissa."

He says. I shake my head.

"Do what you want, Ryan. I just want us both to bring our baby up. Not me all the time and then you come in for about a month of a year."

Silence fills the room and Shadow whines. I get out of bed, pull a dressing gown on and walk through to Jackson's room. I check that he's still asleep and go downstairs. It's true. If Ryan's off on all these tours most of the time, what about me and our son? What then? My phone goes off, it's Narissa.

"Hey, babe!"

She greets after I pick it up.


"Adam told me the news about this so-called tour. What do you think?"

"I just said that Ryan can do what he wants. I mean, we had Jackson 2 months ago. I want him to have us there all the time. What about you?"

"I'm with you on this one. You'll go through what I had to go through. Ryan won't be there to help with Jackson."

"Yeah, I'm just not sure why they are rushing to do another one. Christmas has just been, why cat they wait. I mean, I'll miss Ryan's birthday if they go on tour!"

"Yeah, I see what you mean."

"Yeah. I'll text you later, yeah?"

"Yeah. Cya!"


I end the call and lean on the kitchen appliance. I do some washing and cleaning up and climb back upstairs. Ryan's still asleep. I sigh and get into the shower. I get out after 5 minutes, pulling on a black top with blue jeans. I towel my hair dry instead of using the hairdryer and waking everyone up. It's 9. There's a knock on the front door. Was I expecting someone? I rush and open the door.


I say. Joel's stood at the door with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, can I come in?"

He asks, hugging me. I nod but place my fingers over my lips as I close the door after him. Joel takes his shoes and coat off and we go into the living room. We sit on the sofa and Joel starts.

"Right. Nat, I've met a girl. I want you to be the first to know as the boys wouldn't stop bugging me about it."

He explains. I clap my hands excitedly and Joel smirks.

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