The Trip To The Hospital

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Authors Note: I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)


(Emily's P.O.V)

After he passed out I quickly grabbed my phone and called 911. I told them what had happened and they were at my house within 20 minutes. They picked Vincent up, put him on a stretcher and rushed him to the hospital. I got in my car, and I quickly closed the door. After I started the engine, I started to practically speed to the hospital. I didn't care if I got a ticket, Vincent was the only thing that mattered. (wink wink) If something happened to him I don't know what I would do.

I was at the hospital within 15 min. They won't let me in the room that Vincent is being taken care of at, because I'm not family; stupid rule to be honest. I pulled out my phone and called his parents to get to the hospital ASAP. His parents came right when he woke up.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I woke up in a White room that smelt of hand sanitizer and medicine.  l tried to remember what happened before I passed out. Next thing i knew i felt was someone on top of me.

"Oh your ok!, I thought you would never wake up" I immediately knew it was Emily. I felt her warm tears hit my neck. She was sobbing as well.

"I am fine Emily and your kind of chocking me, by the way." I love her but if she doesn't let go soon, I am going to pass out and really never wake up.

"Sorry, I was just worried, you really scared me." She started crying less, she was just sniffling a little bit. This is one of the reasons that I love her so much, she always worries about me and she cares definitely a lot.

" I am sorry, it is not my fault I am clumsy." I was able to make her laugh, the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Just never do that again." She grabbed me and wrapped me in a warm embrace. There was something about Emily's hugs that just made me forget about all the problems. It even made me forget that I was in a hospital room with pain shooting all through my body. Just then Emily let me go and the doctor along with my parents walked in.

My parents hugged me and told me how worried they were. I told them what happened and that it was okay. While I was talking to my parents Emily was going back and forth with the doctor, I could not hear what they were saying though. The doctor exited the room and Emily came towards us.

"The doctor said you have no major injuries, just a broken leg and some scrapes and bruise on your arms." I could tell that she was still sad but happy that I was not badly hurt. This wouldn't be the first time I broke a bone, last time it was my arm at Emily's 7th birthday.

"Higher, higher." Me and Emily were in the trampoline and she wanted me to jump as high as she was but the problem is I am kind of scared of heights. But since it was her birthday I decide to do it anyway.

I jumped as high as I possibly could , when I looked down I kind of freaked out. I ended up flying out of the trampoline and landing on my arm onto the outside table, luckily people weren't eating yet. I was in a cast for 3 weeks.

"Vincent. Vincent." I zoned out thinking about it and I didn't realize Emily was calling me.

" Oh, um sorry" I have no idea what they said. I had just realized that there were nurses putting my leg in a cast.

The doctor told me that I would be in the cast for 3and a half weeks. He gave me my crutches and then him and the nurses left. They said I was free to go. My parents went back to work and I went home with Emily.


When we got to Emily's house she helped me to the couch and got me a pillow to put my foot on.

"Are you sure your okay." she just asked me for the millionth time

"yes I am sure"

"are-" I already knew what was coming

"yes, just come over hear and watch TV with me." she smiled and gladly came to the couch.

I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest. We cuddled up next to each other and got comfortable. This is not the first time we have done this, but this time it felt different, better.

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