Official Pt. 2

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Here's chapter 18 enjoy =) 


(Emily's P.O.V)  

"Vincent what are you talking about?" He was not making sense 

"My mom, shes awake." The tears started falling harder

"What about your dad?" 

"Hes not but at least I got one of my parents back lets go." He pulled me out of my chair and we left the restaurant  

He must of ran through 3 red lights and a stop sign. We would probably be getting some tickets in the mail but he obviously didn't care and I couldn't blame him.  

We arrived within 15 minutes and Vincent ran all the way to her room. As soon as he looked through the crystal clear glass his face light up like the sun. 


(Vincent's P.O.V) 

"Mom" There were so many things that I wanted to say. I had so many things to tell her but I could only say that one word. 

I ran into the room and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her tears hitting my shirt. Being in my mom arms again was the most amazing thing ever. It was like I was 9 years old again.  

I was playing outside, kicking around my soccer ball. The ball rolled into the street and I made sure to check for cars. As soon as i stepped on the street a car came zooming by popping my ball. My mom came out and saw what happened. She never held me so tight in my life. It was the hardest i ever saw my mom cry. 

"I love you so much, never leave me ever again." 

"I promise, that's the last time I let your father drive." Hearing her sweet voice made me forget everything 

"That's a good idea." We both laughed and then just sat together like that for what felt  like hours. 

Then I  waved for Emily to come in the room 

"Hi Mrs. Mochiato" Emily came in with tears running down her cheeks 

"Emily." She pulled Emily on the bed and had both of us in a tight embrace. The only thing that could make this better would be my father. 

We called Emily's parents and they were at the hospital in 5 minutes. I guess i'm not the only one who broke a couple speed laws.  After we talked to the doctor we left the room so our parents could talk. He said she has to stay on bed rest for a couple of days then she would be fine to go home.  

"You must be really happy." Emily said

 "Ecstatic, but i just hope my father wakes up soon." 

"He'll wake up, I know he will" I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me 

"I'm so sorry, about today."

"Don't apologize, your mothers more important."

" But its also our first date and i was going to take you to the carnival." 

"You were?" 

"Yes, you were talking about how much you wanted to go. Its one of your favorite places in the world and i knew it would be special. " 

"Your amazing." She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. 

"That's not all, I wanted to ask you a question." 

"What is it?"  

"Will you be my girl friend." I could see the look of shock on her face 

"You don't think we should date first?" 

" We have known each other since pre-k. Whats the point, we already know everything we need to know. There's no need, i love you and no amount of dates can change that. " 

"Okay, lets make it official. I will be your girl friend." I was smiling like an idiot and so was she. 

I touched her cheek and it was like magic, it shot through my fingers and all up my body. We got closer and closer, our lips threatened to touch and it felt like forever but they finally did. Her hands ran up and down my hair making me smile into the kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sinc, like we were meant to be. This perfect girl sitting right in front of me is now officially mine and I am going to hold on to her for as long as I possibly can. 


Don't forget to  



Also if you see changes to previous chapters being published  its just grammar and spelling changes. One of my friends is actually going back to every chapter  and fixing the mistakes that I missed. I will  tell you guys if  there are any major changes. 

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