Should I?

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Here's chapter 8 enjoy :) (BTW this chapter is so short it's not even 1000 words)


(Vincent's  P.O.V)

3 weeks later

"Hey Vincent what's up."   Emily said very happily .

"Nothing, how was your date." I wasn't curious its just polite to ask.

"Amazing, Ethan is absolutely amazing. These past couple weeks with him have been perfect. He is so sweet."  I internally rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah."

"Shut up, so how are your parents?"

"Um.. they're okay, the doctor said there making progress but he doesn't know how long it will be before they wake up."

"Your being so strong about this, good job." She patted my head.

"What am I a dog?"



"I am just kidding, love you."

"Love you too." 

"I am going to run upstairs, Ethan wanted me to call him so we could schedule our next date."   

"Okay, whatever" She quickly ran upstairs, not even noticing she dropped her purse in the process. 

Lately she has been spending a lot of time with Ethan. I cant say I hate it but I don't like it. It's hard watching the person your in love with be with another guy. On top of that Ethan is on my soccer team and is one of my best friends. I hate that I cant be happy for her but its hard, I have been in love with her since the day I tripped her on the first day of school, it just took me a while to realize. 

"Okay Vincent what should we do now that you are off your crutches?" She quickly ran down the stairs jumping into my lap. 

"I don't know, but I might have an idea."


"Just get in the car and don't ask questions." She refused at first but she reluctantly agreed.

I put a blind fold on her so there would be no way she could find out. She spent the whole car ride asking me where we were going. I tried blasting music but not even that would drown her out. By the time we finally reached the place I helped her out the car and removed her blindfold.

"OMG Vincent, we haven't been hear in years."

I took her to the park that we had our first play date. Our parents set it up because they saw how much we loved spending time together. 

"I know that's why I picked here."

"Come on lets get on the swing set." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the swings

Push me higher come on.

"Okay, if you want" I pushed as hard as I possibly could and the swing went flying in the air. Before I could stop her she jumped off the swing set and landed on the ground with a thud.

"EMILY, are you Okay?" I grabbed her and held her in my arms. Her breathing was slow and she wouldn't open her eyes.

"Please Emily." I started crying uncontrollably.

"Wake up, your all I have right now. I don't have my parents and your my best friend, I can not lose you too.  I need you, you make me happy when I am  sad. You calm me down when I am angry. There is no girl in the world like you and and and I am truly madly crazy deeply....

"Vincent, is that you?"

"Yes, yes it is are you okay?

"Why wouldn't I be that was awesome." 

"Seriously? How can you be OK?"

"I have done worse."

"Emily you are absolutely crazy." We both laughed.

"Question, what were you saying before you are truly madly crazy deeply.....?"

"Um nothing it doesn't matter. Hey lets go to the slides." I quickly put her down and ran to the slides.

We spent the rest of the day running around, playing tag and swinging on the monkey bars. It was like we were 5 years old again. 


(Emily's P.O.V)

After the park I told Vincent that I wanted to go home because I needed to talk to him. After a 10 min car ride we were home. We got in the house and Vincent threw himself on the couch.

"So what did you want to talk about?"


"Great" He said sarcastically.

"No really, I think I-I-I might be in love with him." 

"What!!!" He practically screamed.

"I think....."

"No I heard you it's just that you have only been dating him for 3 weeks."

"But I am he makes me feel amazing. I smile when i see him and his kisses are like magic. I love him." 

"Please stop saying that!" He stood up and yelled.

"Why?!" I stood up as well

"Because your moving to fast and I don't want you to get hurt." His tone softened.

"Look." I loosely held his hand.

"I know that you want to protect me. I love that but your my best friend and you have to be supportive. I know what I am doing. I also think that you should get a girlfriend."

"What, even if I wanted to who would I?" He looked stunned.

"I don't know, I am just saying." I put my hands up defensively.

"Once again, your crazy." I laughed.

"Whatever lets just watch a movie. I call dibs on picking."

"Fine." he rolled his eyes before throwing himself back on the couch.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I can not believe she said I should get a girlfriend. Who would I even date? Sometimes I feel that I should tell her, I almost did once. Should I? (AN: YES U SHOULD)


Don't forget to




Should Vincent get a girlfriend?

Is it a good idea for Vincent to tell Emily that he's in love with her?

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