Lindsey Matthews

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Here's chapter 9 enjoy :)


(Emily's P.O.V)

"Ugh, stupid books." My math book fell and when I went to pick it up my English notebook fell on my head.

"Calm down Emily, you really need to organize your locker better." Eliot is always criticizing me about how messy my locker is.

"Shut up, just help me before all my books fall out." 

"Fine." He bent over to help me but just then my Spanish notebook fell on his head.

"Stupid books." He yelled in frustration.

"Exactly." He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"OMG guess who just got a date." Savanna came running down the hallway from the direction of the gym

"Um, you?" It was pretty obvious

"No, well yes but that's not what I meant."

"So who got a date?"

"All of us."

"I am still not understanding." She is so confusing

"Ok so, everybody knows how Jake is bi. Eliot, I know how you have a huge crush on him so I told him and he likes you to. In the process I found out Aron likes me so I asked him out and he said yes. Since I was in the gym with Vincent and the rest of his friends I saw Ethan. Ethan said that on Saturday we should all triple date and I completely agree. So now were all in relationships and I am so happy." She said it so fast that by the end she was out of breath

"You got me a date with Jake!? Thank you, Thank you." He jumped up and grabbed savanna before she had the chance to say anything.

"Your welcome."

I was about to respond but what I saw through the corner of my eye had me filled with both fear anger.



"Look over there its, its Lindsey Matthews." We both said simultaneously

"Who is Lindsey Matthews?" Eliot asked completely confused

"I completely forgot about her, why is she hear and why is she talking to Vincent?" We both completely disregarded his question.

"WHO IS LINDSEY." he all but yelled.

"She is that evil little witch from 5th grade."

"No, calling her a witch is an insult to witches." Savanna chimed in.

"I don't remember her." Eliot said.

"You weren't in the same school with us in 5th grade remember?"

"OHH yeah. Wait she's Vincent's ex and that girl you got in a cat fight with Emily?"


"So what happened with you guys?"

"Well its kind of a long story."

"Well we got time."

"Okay, so we were in school and she was still dating Vincent. I knew she didn't like me actually she hated me. She was horrible to me and Savanna. I didn't want to tell Vincent because he was so happy. So being me, I decided to talk to her. We went out in to the hallway and she was immediately giving me a stone cold glare. I just asked her if we could be friends for Vincent's sake but she didn't want to listen. Long story short it ended in slapping, bloody noses and hair pulling. Now that she is back I am scared he's going to get back together with that she devil." Man I hate her..

"Why would they get back together if they broke up?" Eliot asked with a confused look

"They only broke up because Lindsey was going to a different middle school. Vincent was so heartbroken he cried for like a week and it was horrible because he usually hides his emotions. But she promised him that the second they found each other again they would get back together and now she's back."

"That sounds hard but maybe you can let the past go."

"Not with that witch." Savanna said rejoining the conversation.

Ring Ring

"Well that's the bell come on lets get to class."

"Okay, we'll talk later." I closed my locker and walked to class not even waiting for Vincent .


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I left the gym and I was walking towards my locker. But who I saw made me both scared but ecstatic. It was Lindsey Matthews from 5th grade, She was my first girl friend. We had such big plans, we told each other we were going to be Mr. and Mrs. Mociato one day. I approached my locker and she looked how I felt on the inside. Her eyes widened in surprise and she jumped into my arms.

"OMG Vincent I cant believe I found you. I am so happy, now we can get back together just like I promised." I had completely forgot about that.

"Look Lindsey before I agree to this I have to think about it."

"But didn't you miss me?" She asked with a pout

"Yes but can I just have some time?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Thanks, I have so many questions and I really want to catch up but I have to get to class. I still have the same number, you can call me after school."

"Great I will definitely do that."

"Okay, I've got to go."

"Me too, bye."

Instead of walking away from each other we started walking in the same direction.

"What class so you have next?" I stopped and asked

"Math with Mr.Verges"

"Me too, I guess we'll be seeing each other often."

We both smiled then continued walking to class together. Emily sat on one side of me and Lindsey sat in the other. I knew they had gotten in a fight with each other but they said it was over lip gloss, since that was the only story I believed it. I had a feeling that Emily didn't like her but she said she was fine. Now I'm caught in the middle, literally. I have the girl I have been in love with since pre-k on one side. Then my first girlfriend who I might have feelings for on the other side, what do I do. I might be leaning towards Lindsey, Emily has a boyfriend who she's in love with. I will always love Emily but I think I have to try and be more open to the idea of having a girlfriend. Emily's happy and maybe I should be too.

,                                                                                          Lindsey Matthews ================================= What do you guys think of Lindsey? Should Vincent move on or fight for Emily?  Don't forget to Vote Comme...

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                                                                                         Lindsey Matthews
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Should Vincent move on or fight for Emily? 
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