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Here's chapter 28 enjoy :)


(Vincent's P.O.V)

By the time I woke up in the morning or afternoon it was 2:00. I don't know how long that party lasted or how drunk I was but i have a splitting headache. I remember the phone call, some beers, a bottle of tequila and after that everything is fuzzy.

When I looked around the room I saw Emily passed out on the floor. I checked my phone and I had like a million phone calls from Emily's parents. They were probably so worried when Emily didn't call. There not home and I know exactly why.

"Emily, Emily wake up." I tried to wake her without being to loud because every noise sent pain through my fore head.

"Stop being so loud." She groaned turning on her side

"Come on Emily, Its 2:00 pm"

"Fine." She reluctantly pulled her self off the floor

I quickly went up the stairs to get the pain killers. Emily already had the water out and she quickly swallowed 2 pills. After sitting in silence for like 6 min the pain killers started to kick in and Emily started talking.

"Vincent, I have a question and I know you know what the answer is. Why did you go crazy after you got that phone call last night?" I knew that If i tried to lie she would know, so I just told her

"My fathers dead." I could see the look of shock appear on her face and then the tears started trickling out of her eyes.


(Emily's P.O.V)

"My fathers dead." When I heard those words my heart broke in my chest. Vincent's parents are such amazing people and they care about me and I absolutely love them. Hearing that he died killed me and I could only imagine how Vincent was feeling.

"So that's why you wanted to get so drunk, you wanted to forget."

"Yeah, but that didn't work. I just can't believe he's gone." His tears weren't falling yet but they would be soon

"I am so sorry, you don't deserve this." I pulled him as close to me as possible and I just let him cry on my shoulder. After a few moments my phone rang. It was my parents. They told me everything, they didn't call because they assumed that Vincent told me everything and I was comforting him. Since Vincent never came home they decided to stay with his mom. They called me this morning but since I was so hung over I was knocked out but I decided to leave that part out. After I hung up the phone I turned around to see that Vincent wasn't crying anymore but his eyes were puffy.

"Who was that?" He asked

"My Parents, they told me everything and they also think it would be a good idea to go see your mom."

"Yeah it is, I should probably go shower. But before I go, thank you. Your always there for me no matter what and I love you for that." He said smiling for the first time today

"I love you too." I pushed his lips towards mine and he connected them before I could.We kissed for way longer then expected. I had to pull away before the kiss got any more heated. He got up off the couch and rushed upstairs.

While he was in the shower I turned on the TV trying to think about anything else other then Vincent's father. After like 20 min I heard Vincent coming down the stairs. He was only in jeans and his abs were very visible, he does this to me every time he gets out the shower.

"Do you know where my extra shirts are?" He asked running his hands through his wet hair.

"Third drawer, on the right."

"OK thanks" He disappeared back up the stairs and came back within 2 minutes. He quickly kissed me goodbye and was out the door.

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