Heart Stopping

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Hey Guys, I just wanted to say that I hope you are enjoying the book by far. I'm working on it as much as I can. :)


(Emily's P.O.V) 

I woke up to the sound of Vincent's heartbeat. It was slow and steady, I could have sat there and listened to it all morning but we had to go to school.

"Vincent wake up." I put my hands on his chest, shaking him still half a asleep myself.

"No, I don't want to," He refused to get up. He sounds like me.

"If you don't get up were going to be late." Vincent has never been late in his life and I know he does not want to start now. 

"Okay fine, help me out the bed." I got off the bed and helped him with his crutches.

We both got changed and were ready to go within 20 min. It took about ten minutes to get to school. I had to drive because Vincent couldn't work the pedals. When we got to school we went to math, history and French. All the classes went normally, I was vaguely listening to the teacher and mainly thinking about Ethan. He has been on my mind since last night and I am pretty sure I like him again. I don't think I have ever stopped I just pretty much ignored my feelings but lately it's getting hard.

I was coming out of French class and I wasn't with Vincent because I had P.E next. He went ahead to his gym class with one of his friends from the team, Aron, I am pretty sure.  I had a couple minutes to kill before I had to go change for gym. I would have been with Eliot and Savannah but Eliot had gym with Vincent and savanna wasn't in school today. I decided to just hang around my locker for a few. I turned around and I was face to face with a boy who had heart stopping blue eyes and a smile that could light up a whole room. His lips were inches away from mine, It didn't take long for me to realize that it was Ethan. 

He backed up and I saw his amazingly blonde hair that I have loved since I laid eyes on it. 

"Hey Emily." I almost didn't realize he was talking.

"Hey Ethan, what are you doing here, don't you have gym?" At this point I was so nervous

"Yeah, but I just wanted to ask you something." My heart started racing and I could barley speak. 

"Yeah go ahead." If he asked what I thought he was going to ask then I would be so happy.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" I screamed on the inside and I might of screamed out loud to but I tried to play it cool.

"Um yeah I would love to go out with you." He just made me the happiest person ever.

" Awsome, I promise you wont regret this." There was no way I could.

"I know I wont." I was smiling like an idiot.

"Okay, I have to get back to class Ill call you so we can make plans."

"Okay." with one more breath taking smile he waved at me and walked away. 

The whole time in gym I had a smile on my face. Even when we had to run laps, a couple people stopped to ask if I was okay. I even fell and I never stopped smiling. There was something about him that just made me crazy. Now I had the chance to be his girlfriend, nothing could ruin this day.

"Hey Emily." Sarah said in her high pitched voice

Spoke to soon

Sarah is one of the most popular girls in school. Along with Eva and Mackenzie. I absolutely hate her, she's the meanest girl I have ever met. She is only nice to me because she likes Vincent, he knows about it to. He said and I quote "I would rather throw my self off a cliff then be her boyfriend." She wont do anything to me but the things she will do to others is horrible. If I haven't mentioned before Eliot, one of my other friends, he's actually gay. The day he came out everyone was mainly fine with him and supportive. He's not the only one in our grade who is gay or bisexual. Sarah and her friends along with some of the other stupid popular kids like to make fun of him and call him names. They even throw stuff at him, she knows I hate her but she obviously does not care.

"What do you want Sarah?" There was a bitterness in my tone.

"I over heard you and Ethan talking and I guess you and him are thing now. Witch means Vincent is free now right.?" I wanted to slap her so hard.

" 1. By over heard you meant listening

   2. Me and Vincent were never a thing

   3. Vincent will never and I mean never go out with you and

   4. I hate you so stay away from me"

Before she could respond I sprinted away to the locker room upset that I didn't turn around and punch her in the face. I cant believe she thought Vincent and I were a thing. Does it look like were a thing?

(Vincent's P.O.V)

School is finally over and I could not be more happy. Thank God we didn't have homework today because I could not take anymore mental stress. I just wanted to go home with Emily and relax. I almost fell asleep on the way home. We finally pulled into the drive way of her big blue house. The first thing I did was plop down on the couch as soon as we walked through the door. It was quiet at first but I could not help but see that Emily was still smiling. She was smiling all through out school and on the ride home, but she didn't say anything about why.

"Hey Em, why are you smiling so much. You never smile this much are you okay?" I decide that it was time to ask.

"Ok but promise you wont react in a bad way." I was so worried, why would I react bad?

"Promise." I did not know what I was promising but I needed to know.

"Ethan might have... Okay he asked me out." The smile on her face just became wider.

As for me, I have no idea. It felt like someone punched me in the chest. I am supposed to be happy and I am but it still hurts. I don't know why, I just felt sick. Emily is not mine and I can not keep her from dating but why do I feel this way? Why didn't Ethan tell me? What's the feeling that I have in my chest and how do I get rid of it?

"I am so happy for you I know how much you like him." I had to be supportive, I couldn't crush her.

"This is why I love you so much." She threw her self on top of me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

The words made my heart flutter. I love you. That's when I realized that I love her too. Not just in the friend kind of way, like I really love her. I'm in love with my Bestfriend.

Best friend or BoyfriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang