What Will Happen Next?

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So here is chapter 4. I am so sorry it took so long to update but I hpe you like chapter 4. Enjoy and keep checking to see when I post another chapter. Thanks for staying till chapter 4 and I hope you continue reading. :) By the way, I've been having someone help edit the previous chapters, so the grammar will be fixed for new readers :)


(Vincent's P.O.V) 

I could feel my heart breaking inside my chest. The only thing that was running through my mind was are they hurt? Just the thought of anything happening to my parents made me scared out of my mind. 

"Are they ok?" I could feel my eyes filling to the brim with tears.

"Well, they got in a car accident and they hit their heads pretty bad, there both in comas." Emily's dad told me, Emily's mom unable to speak.

That's when it happened, the first tear fell. What was at first light sobbing turned into uncontrollable tears. A life without my parents, I don't even want to think about it. Pretty soon I was crying on Emily's shoulder.


(Emily's P.O.V) 

I was hurting a lot and I knew Vincent was hurting ten times worse.  Vincent hates showing weakness, But right now all I could feel was my shirt soaked in Vincent's tears but I did not care about that.

"It's okay Vincent, your parents will be fine." At this point my parents left the room, not being able to control their tears. I would have been crying too but I had to stay strong for him.

Vincent was still not saying anything, I knew he needed some sleep. I helped him up the stairs and into my bedroom. This wouldn't be the first time me and Vincent slept in the same bed together but this time it was just sad, I hated seeing him cry.

I stopped him from crying the only way I knew how. I grabbed him and held him as close as I possibly could I laid my head on his chest and separated all space between us. All I was thinking was what's going to happen tomorrow? What's going to happen next?


I woke up still as close to Vincent as when we fell a sleep.

I could tell my parents were awake because I could smell bacon all the way from up stairs.  I carefully woke up Vincent  and I could tell that he was okay because as soon as he smelt the bacon there was huge smile plastered across his face. If he wasn't on crutches he would have already been downstairs.

"Well you seem happy." I told him confused at his sudden burst of happiness.

"Yeah I realized if I worry too much I'm going to drive myself crazy. I have to trust that there going to be ok. Plus you were holding me so tight that all I was worrying about was breathing."

"Sorry about that." I knew by then my cheeks were bright red.

"Don't worry, I liked it." He said with a wink. I didn't completely understand but I shook it off not wanting to go deeper into that conversation.

By the time I shook myself out of my thoughts Vincent was already on his crutches trying to get out the door.

"Hurry up I want bacon" Vincent and his bacon...

I quickly slipped on my bunny slippers and helped him down the stairs. Breakfast was amazing, no one was really talking because we were to busy enjoying the food. My parents went upstairs to get more sleep, they always slept in on Sundays, I guess they decided to make breakfast because Vincent was here.

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