Saying goodbye

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Here's chapter 29 enjoy :)


(Vincent's P.O.V)

After talking to my mom she told me that he was doing well but then he all of a sudden flat lined. They tried everything to keep him from dying but it was to late. He was officially dead at 11:58 pm, 2 minutes before my birthday. I could tell that my mom was hurting so much. It wasn't just because she was crying, I could see the pain in her eyes. Pretty soon I was crying as well. I loved my dad do much and it hurts. But we can get through this I know we can.

I was going to ask when we would plan the funeral but my mom said that her and dad had a talk. He said that If he ever was to die he doesn't want a funeral. All he wanted was for his ashes to be respectfully thrown into the ocean at his favorite place ever, the beach.

She already told the family and her closest friends that it would be held tomorrow. I am not emotionally prepared for tomorrow at all.


(The next day)

The day of the ceremony came way to fast. It was going to be held early in the morning when the beach wasn't that crowded.

After finally finding my suit I pulled it out of my closet. I ironed it and laid it on my bed. I wanted to stay in the shower forever. When the warm water hit my body my mind was clear of everything. But unfortunately I had to get out eventually. I stepped out the shower and loosely wrapped the towel around my waste. When I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room I was scared half to death.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed when I saw Emily standing near my bed admiring my suit.

"Calm down, I'm just here a little early." She said obviously amused

"Okay but you need to get out, nothing against you but I need to change."

"Why do I have to leave the room?"

"Because I need to change." I repeated


"That's just wrong." I said chuckling slightly

"It's not like it hasn't happened before."

"We were 4 It didn't really matter."

"Just kidding, I'll sit outside tell me when your done."She said laughing as she left the room

After I finally got my suit on I called Emily back into the room. We both stood in front of my mirror and that's when I finally took in her appearance.

She was wearing a black sun dress and black flats instead of heels. She washed the dye out of her hair and it was back to it's chestnut brown color. It was pulled back in a tight pony tail, it made her hazel eyes perfectly visible. Even when dressing for a funeral she looked absolutely gorgeous.

I was wearing a black suit and a blue tie that matched my eyes. My brown hair was brushed but it still looked neat and messy at the same time. After taking in our appearances I sighed heavily.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am" Emily pulled me into a kiss knowing exactly what I needed. She placed her arms around my neck and my hands were on her waist.

"uhghmmm" We heard someone clear there throat

"Sorry to ruin this, whatever it is but we have to go." Savanna said

We turned to see Eliot hand in hand with Jake and Savanna hand in hand with Aron.

"Shut up" I responded very childish

I placed one of my arms on Emily's waist and all 6 of us walked out together

The ride to the beach was pretty much quiet. No one really wanted to talk being that we were headed to a funeral. We were all sharing head phones with either boyfriend or girlfriend. When we got to the beach everyone walked to the shore in complete silence.  Some very short speeches were made. I tried to hold in the tears as best as I could. But it was pretty much impossible. Me and my mom both dumped the ashes into the ocean. My mom was crying really hard and I tried to stay strong for her. The whole ceremony was about 2 hours. The ride home was the same, silent.

After everyone hanging around at my house for a while everyone left. It was me, Emily and my mom. Me and Emily laid next to each other and we both were worn out. I guess we really didn't know what to  say so we stayed there until we fell asleep.

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