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Here's chapter 19 enjoy =)


(Emilys P.O.V) 

As I felt Vincent's lips touch mine and his hands in my hair I knew I made the right choice. Turning off my feelings for Vincent eventually lead up to this point and it was so worth it. 

"Uheem" The nurse cleared her throat 

"I am so sorry to ruin this very cute moment but visiting hours are almost over." Me and Vincent pulled away from each other and I could see his cheeks flush red and I knew that mine were too.

 "Thank you, and is it okay if we go say goodbye?" I questioned the happy but obviously worn out nurse 

"sure no problem." we waved bye and thanked her one more time before walking back into Vincent's moms room. 

After a few more hugs and goodbyes we exited the hospital and headed for Vincent's car. The drive was mostly silent except for Vincent's occasional jokes that he told for no reason but i laughed any way. I kept sneaking glances at him and I could tell he was overjoyed. After couple more minutes of horribly corny jokes we arrived Home. He pulled into the driveway and parked the car. But for some reason he wouldn't get out.  

"Whats wrong?" I asked him with concern written all over my face 

"I just realized that my mom is going to be out of the hospital in 2 days. We wont see each other as much as we do now." 

"It's okay, you should be with your mother. Plus, your my boy friend now, we cant be separated."  He gave me a warm smile which sent my heart into overdrive.   

We finally got out the car and walked up the stone pathway leading to the door. When we opened it my parents were sitting on the couch just staring at each other. 

"Umm Mom dad what are you doing." My dad turned his head towards us  

"Ha you lost." My mom screamed, they were apparently having a staring contest.

 "Okay"I said slowly  

"Well me and Vincent are going to bed.Goodnight." As we were walking away my mom stopped us 

"Actually we saw what happened in the waiting area. Now that you guys are dating we dont feel comfortable with you guys sleeping together." My mom clarified 

"Come on mom, what do you thinks gonna happen?" 

"You end up 17 and pregnant." I could see the look on Vincent's face which meant he was uncomfortable. 

"Really mom?" 

"You asked" 

"Okay what if we both sleep on the couch. Theres no door to close so you can check on us." 

"Sure, okay goodnight." They stood up and my dad mouthed  a sorry before turning around.  

"I am so sorry about them, you know how they are with that stuff."

"Its fine, as long as I'm with you." He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. His touch sent tingles up my spine. I giggled before rapping my arms around his neck and connecting our lips.

"No physical contact." My mom yelled from the top of the stairs causing Vincent to pull away

"Mom" I yelled

"Just kidding, night." She said before disappearing behind the wall.

"I'll be right back." I told Vincent and ran upstairs. I opened the door to my room and quickly grabbed a blanket and some pillows. I came down  stairs  to see that Vincent wasn't there.

"Vincent" I called

"In the kitchen" I drooped the stuff on the couch and walked towards the kitchen. I saw him making popcorn and gathering a bunch of other snacks

"What are you doing? I thought we were going to sleep"

"Why should we, its only 8:00 on a Saturday night our date was cut short, I say we have a movie marathon. Kind of like a redo date."

"Well, what are you just standing there for, get the snacks and lets go." I grabbed the snacks he couldn't hold and ran off to the living room. We spread all the snacks out on the table and got comfy on the couch. After quickly agreeing on a movie we had already started devouring the snacks and Vincent started chugging down soda. pretty soon I started doing it to.

"I don't think I have ever been more attracted to you." He said after I finished my 2nd soda. I laughed and threw the can making it right into the garbage. Vincent put his arm around my back and closed the space between us. I rested my head on his chest and I could feel his heart rate go up. By the time me and Vincent fell asleep it was 3am. Lucky there was no school so it wouldn't matter if we slept in. I just wanted to stay like that forever. He was going to be going home soon and I've gotten used to me and Vincent living together for the past couple of weeks now its going to change. But its for the best, his mother needs him. I was startled by Vincent's snore. I looked at the clock and it was only 4:30 am. I realized I was still wrapped in Vincent's arms. 

"Best redo date ever." I said before slowly drifting back to sleep


Don't forget to





Thanks for reading, I just wanted to say that now I am not the only one working on this book. Its me and 3 other people. I have an editor, a cast finder and there all co writers. I am not the only one that deserves the recognition. We will try to update as soon as possible.

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