Uncomfortable Breakfast

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Heres chapter 20 enjoy =) 


I woke up to find that Vincent was not lying next to me. I looked at the room to see that the TV was still on and there were empty candy wrappers and books of cookies all over the floor. If i didn't clean that up soon my mom would have a heart attack. Then the most delightful smell hit my nose, doughnuts! I dropped the can i was currently holding in my hand and ran to the kitchen. 

" Good morning." Vincent said while holding a spatula and wearing one of my moms aprons, that was currently covered in pancake mix. 

"I smell doughnuts." I said trying to find the source of the smell 

"There in the oven." He said with a smile on his face 

"Your making doughnuts?" I said trying to make sure he wasn't lying 

"Yeah" He said going back to flipping pancakes and pulling waffles out the waffle maker. 

I grabbed him from behind and squeezed him as hard as i could 

"I do not think i have ever loved you more than right now." I said still trying to squeeze the life out of him

Somehow he was able to turn around in my hold and touch our noses together. 

"I love you so much." He said before connecting our lips again. I am still getting used to the fact that i am kissing my Best friend but every time we do i never want to stop.

He eventually pulled away and went back to cooking. I got next to him and hopped up on the counter 

"You look really cute in that apron by the way."  I said with a smirk 

"I know right." We both laughed 

"I am just kidding, i only put this on so i would not dirty them. I had to throw away that other shirt from when we cooked together last time."  

"Ohh yeah i remember that day." I laughed at the memory  

"That's what I thought" We quickly got up and went down stairs. I don't know how it happened all knew is that we went into the Kitchen to make breakfast. Next thing I know were pelting each other with globs of pancake mix, flour and eggs.

"I hate you." I screamed as I felt an egg hit the back of my head. I grabbed a handful of flour and poured it on his head. Sticking to the egg that was dripping off his face.

"Your going to pay for that." Vincent screamed

I felt a warm sticky substance on my face. I touched the pancake mix with my finger and popped it in my mouth.

"You actually did a good job with this batter."

"Thank you, maybe you would like some syrup with that." He squirted the maple flavored syrup all over my pajamas

"OK, I see how it is. Come hear and give me a hug." I slowly approached him as his eyes widened in fear

"No, Get away from me." He ended up tripping and falling to the floor and I tripped over him. I landed with my face inches from his. He scooped up the pancake batter on my face and licked it off his finger.

"I really did do a good job." I giggled at the sight of him enjoying the pancake batter

"We should probably clean this place up." I tried to get up but it was hard because me and Vincent's shirts were stuck together by the surprisingly overly sticky syrup.

"Here" He said while pulling his shirt over his head. I was able to get up with his shirt still stuck to mine. I felt a lump in my throat at the sight of Vincent's abs.  

"Yeah we do not what that to happen again." He said smiling as well 

"Yeah, Ok just call me when the doughnuts are done." I said walking out of the room.   

"No, No,No." He dropped the spatula on the counter and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up from behind.

"The foods ready, the donuts  will be done by the time we finish eating." He placed me on the chair and started laughing at the pout on my face 

"Fine, i want waffles." I said crossing my arms 

"I know" He placed a plate a plate of waffles and bacon in front of me. I was practically drooling over the plate Vincent took of the apron and hung it on the hook. He grabbed a bottle of syrup and sat in front of me. 

"Uhhhh stupid syrup." I laughed as he squeezed the bottle trying to get the syrup out. He faced the tip of the syrup in front of his face still squeezing. But he squeezed it so hard that the top popped off and syrup went running down his shirt. 

"Oh my gosh" I was practically rolling on the floor laughing. Then i felt the tears form from laughing so hard. I heard Vincent swear under his breath 

"I wouldn't say that, my mom hears everything" I said in between fits of laughter. But what imediatly shut me up was Vincent pulling his shirt over his head.

"Why do you keep taking your shirt off, this is the second time."

"And why do you keep getting flustered every time you see me shirtless?" He questioned with a devilish smile  

"No...I...I just put a shirt on." I was bright red at that point 

"After breakfast." He started eating his bacon 

"I hate you." I said

"Love you too." I just started eating trying not to stare to long  

After the very uncomfortable breakfast the donuts were ready and Vincent finally put a shirt on. I ate like half the tray. In my defense they were mini donuts. 

Then all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. 

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