First Date.....Gone Wrong

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Here's chapter 7 enjoy :)


(Emily's P.O.V)

"This dress looks fabulous." Eliot had picked out a blue, sequence dress, he wasn't wrong it actually looked good.

"He is right, but this one over here looks way better." Savanna had her eyes on a pink knee length dress.

They decided that they wanted to help me pick out clothes. Savanna and me had completely different style's , she was more fluffy and girly girl. I liked girl things but I am not a girly girl I am not a tomboy either I am just a girl. Eliot was amazing too, one thing I love about him being gay is that he has amazing taste. Half the stuff in my closet was chosen by him. Vincent was going to come but he said he wasn't feeling well.

"I don't know if you guys realized but, tomorrow I am going to the movies with Ethan. I'm not going to a ball.." I tried to tell them when they dragged me into this dress store.

"Yeah but what about the second date, the third, the fourth, your wedding?" He actually kind of had me until the wedding part.

"What wedding, can I just get through the first date, slow down." My friends are crazy... I sighed.

"Since when have you known us to go slow, were already planning your baby shower." What Eliot said was actually true, going slow is not their thing.

"What if I doesn't work out? What if he decides he doesn't like me anymore?" All the what if's were circling around in my head.

"If he decides he doesn't like you, he has issues." Savanna loved to look on the bright side of everything.

"Thanks, now lets get out of here and find something that I can actually wear to the movies."

"Okay, but lets get some food first; I am starving." Eliot is always hungry.

"Okay, lets go." We left the store headed for the food court.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I told Emily that I wasn't feeling well, but the truth was I just didn't want to go. It's not that I didn't want to be there and help her with her first date. It's just that I couldn't watch her get ready for a date when I am in love with her, it would just hurt too much.

That wasn't the only reason, I have been thinking about my parents. I didn't want to go see them because it would be too hard but now I just feel it's time.

Emily would be home in 2 hours. As soon as she get's here im going to tell her, I know that she's hurting too and she would want to see them.


(2 hours later)

"Honey, I am home." It could only be one person.

"Really Emily?" she is obviously insane.

"Yes, now where are you."

"Upstairs." I heard her light foot steps slowly make it to the front of the door. She then opened the door, to reveal me sitting on the bed.

"Hey, guess what I got you?" I don't think I want to know.

"If it's ear rings again then you can keep them." It wouldn't be the first time.

"Ok, you caught me but I did get you chocolate bars." I knew it.

"Sweet hand them over." There is nothing I love more than chocolate.

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