Triple date Into A Quadruple Date (Pt. 1)

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Here's chapter 11 enjoy =)

(BTW this chapter is really short but this is only part 1.)


(Emily's P.O.V)

"Eliot calm yourself down."

"How am I supposed to calm down. The date is tomorrow and I have no idea what to wear."

"Wow and you guys call us dramatic." Savanna commented.

"Look Eliot, Jake likes you for you. You wear clothes like that everyday, I'm surprised he's still interested." 

"Thanks Savanna, nice pep talk." We all just laughed  .

"Hey guys, what's up." Vincent said coming from his locker.

"Watching Eliot have a panic attack."I said laughing once again.

"Eliot, Jake said he's very excited about tomorrow." Vincent just came from talking with Jake.

"Omg, here comes another one." Eliot turned pale and almost passed out.

"Ok I'm going to take him to the nurse, see you later Emily." Savanna had to practically carry him away. 

"So are you excited about tomorrow?"  Vincent questioned.

"Yeah I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

"Your not backing out are you because Eliot will be so disappointed."

"No never I was just thinking, maybe you and Lindsay could come"

"We have only been back together for 2 days."

"Exactly, perfect date."  

"OK sure, I'll tell Lindsay"

"We all have next period together, so tell her there."

"Sure and speaking of next period 1.. 2.. 3"

Ring Ring 

"How do you always do that?" I asked.

"Its called never being late for anything, lets go."  He had to pull me to English, like usual.


Me, Savanna and Eliot were in a three way call. Me and Vincent were upstairs in my room and we were all trying to pick out clothes being that the date is tomorrow.

"Eliot, I totally think you should were your skinny jeans, white tee and the blazer." Savanna has a great fashion sense.

"What do you think Emily?" Eliot asked me.

 "Same, to be honest."


"Just wear whatever, it cant be worse than what you were to school everyday." Vincent, Savanna and I cracked up.

"What is up with everyone insulting my clothes?" He said, us still laughing.

"Dude, I'm kidding just go with the jeans and Blazer."

"Ok so, Eliot your wearing that, Vincent is wearing Jeans and a black button up shirt. Savannas wearing her purple sparkly high low dress and I'm wearing my black shorts blue long sleeve and grey sweater, is that right? 

"Yes." They all said simultaneously.

"Okay, good; and were are we going again I forgot?"

"First bowling and well probably get something to eat there and then ice cream." Savanna had answered.

"K, perfect." She had replied.

"Now I have to go or my moms going to kill me if I don't come downstairs for dinner."

"Okay, bye Savanna." Pretty soon Eliot left the call and me and Vincent were left together in my bedroom.

"Okay we should probably go to sleep so we wont be tired for tomorrow." 

"Do we have to?" He whined.

"Yes, now stop acting like a baby, come over here and get in the bed."

"Ok mom." He said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I said.

"Good night."


"Love you."

"I..I..Love you too." he kissed me on  the bridge of my nose and was fast asleep before I knew it. While I barley slept at all. 

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