Turn for the worst

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Here's chapter 23 enjoy :)


(Vincent's P.O.V)

   It's been about 2 weeks and school has been horrible for Emily. Sarah and her stupid group of friend's still wont leave her alone. I've talked to them multiple times but its like no matter what I say they refuse to stop. I try to protect her from everything I can but its when i'm not there. If i'm at practice with the guys or at gym that's when they really strike. last time i went to practice they dumped food all over her backpack while she was still wearing it.   

   I keep leaving practice and coach told me if i miss one more i'll be kicked off the team. I really was willing to give up my spot for Emily but she said that she would never be able to forgive herself if i got kicked off the team. I insisted but when Emily has her mind set to something she won't listen. Now she keeps extra clothes in her locker and I hate that she has to. But what they did to her yesterday almost made me forget the fact that they were girls and I couldn't hurt them. 

We walked into the school and we were getting the usual stares which we learned to ignore. But when we walked to her locker there were horrible words pasted all over her it. They were laughing and throwing things, she pushed past everyone and disappeared in the crowd. 

For the rest of the day I couldn't find her at all. I just assumed that she went home to rest. The second the bell rang I was the first one out. I was in my car and halfway to Emily's house in 5 minutes. I pulled up to her house and opened the door using the key under the mat. I ran up the stairs and called out her name. I heard light sobs coming from the bathroom I opened the un-locked door to see something absolutely horrifying. 


Don't forget to... 



What do you think was behind the door? 

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