Fight at Prom

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Here's chapter 30 enjoy :)


(Emily's P.O.V)

The ceremony was very emotional and of course I was very emotional. But the week went by pretty fast. Before we knew it, it was Friday, prom night. Today's prom, in 2 weeks it'll be my birthday then the week after that is graduation so were all under a lot of stress.

I looked at my self in the mirror. I had my hair in curls and I had on a pink flowing floor length dress with a jeweled top. My shoes are white heels with splashes of pink.

As I descended down the stairs I saw Vincent, Eliot, Jake and Aron all in matching tuxedos. Savanna was wearing a dark blue fitted dress with a jeweled belt. She had her hair up in a braided bun and was wearing black heels. I could see the amazement in Vincent eyes as I got closer to him.

"Wow! You look..stunning" He said eyes wide

"Thank you, and you don't look to bad your self." I said winking making him blush.

After fighting through paparazzi or all of our moms with cameras we all exited out the door and got into the limo. We drank wine and laughed while listening to music. We were already having fun and the night hadn't even started.

When we walked into the venue we saw tables placed all around and a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everyone was already on the dance floor having the time of there lives. Vincent pulled me on to the floor when a slow song started playing. We held on to each other so tight. Like it was the last time we would ever touch again. The light perfectly lit up his baby blue eyes. The night was going perfect nothing could go wrong. At least that what I thought.

I heard a frustrated scream come from Savanna. I let go of Vincent to see what was going on. Savanna was no on top of Lindsay (Vincent's ex). She was clawing at her face and pulling her hair. But Lindsay wasn't going down with out a fight. She flipped her over so she was on top and started pulling her hair until the all the bobby pins fell out. Me, Vincent, Aron, Jake and Eliot all went to break up the fight. There was so much hair pulling, biting and kicking, it was all kind of a blur. I remember being pulled off of the floor and we were all escorted out. We were kicked out of prom, how embarrassing.

"Thank you guys for trying to help. I'm so sorry that I got you guys kicked out."

"It's okay Savanna" I said pulling her into a hug

"Yeah, you would have gotten kicked out anyway and we all would have left with you. But instead of leaving with you normally we got kicked out as well" Vincent added from behind me

"I know, but I still feel bad."

"Well at least we have the limo." Eliot called the driver and told him what happened. He apologized and promised to pay him extra because he had to get us early.

The ride home was even better then the ride there. We all just laughed about the fight. Turns out that Savanna started it because Lindsay was hitting on Aron. I don't blame her, I would have done the same.

When we pulled up in front of my house we said good bye to everyone and me and Vincent walked through the front door. Good thing we took pictures before we left or got kicked out of prom.

"Well this was a um...Very interesting night." I said to Vincent as we sat o the couch

"Yeah but I had fun. I wouldn't change not one thing."

"Even when Lindsay threw her very long sharp heel at you?" I questioned

"Yeah, maybe one thing." He replied rubbing his arm

I was about to say something but that's when I felt Vincent's soft lips on mine. I started to kiss him back and he pulled me closer to him minimizing the already small space between us. His lips started to move faster and so did mine. My heart was beating rapidly and pretty soon the kiss became very heated. Vincent was now on top of me and I was pulling at his hair. I could have stayed in that position forever but then.....

"Oh you guys are home ." My mom said coming down the stairs

Vincent quickly jumped off of me. We were both red and breathless from the kiss

"Why are you home so early?" My mom asked knowing what she just interrupted

"We kind of got kicked out" I said catching my breath

"Kicked out why?" She said with shock

"Savanna started a fight, we all tried to break it up. Which resorted in us getting kicked out as well." I explained to my mom while fixing my hair

"Typical Savanna."

"Yeah" Vincent replied

"Well I'll leave you 2 alone but know I have my eyes on you." She said walking backwards up the stairs

"Okay, on that note maybe we should just watch some movies." I said laughing

"Yeah but first lets change out of these clothes

"Race you" He jumped off the couch and started running up the stairs. It took me a moment but I realized what he said, of course he won.

I changed into my red footy pajamas, sounds weird. I'm 17 and wearing footy pajamas but I love them so don't judge. Vincent put on his sweatpants and no shirt of course. He claimed he was hot, but I thing otherwise.

We spent the whole night watching funny movies. I was laughing so hard to the point were I was getting cramps. Eventually I fell asleep in Vincent's strong arms. But not before I heard him murmur an "I love you" before I fell into a deep sleep.

Unfortunately the book is almost over :( but thank you to all of the readers, you guys are amazing. :)

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