Triple date to Quadruple date (pt. 2)

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Here's chapter 12 enjoy =)


(Emily's P.O.V) 

I must have got 3 hours sleep last night. He said I love you and those 3 stupid words got In my head. I love Ethan I really do but Vincent is getting to me. Even if I did have feelings for him he's moved on and I have Ethan.

"Hey Em what's for breakfast?" Once again I was taken out of my thoughts by Vincent 


"Really that's the best you can do?" He said all whiny 

"I barley got any sleep last night and I might pass out any sec sec sec"

"Second" he corrected

"I was getting to that."

"Of course" 

After breakfast we had a couple hours to kill before the date so me and Vincent were watching TV. 

"So are you excited?" Vincent asked

"What kind of question is that of course." 

"I know but it annoys you when I ask stupid questions."

"Wow so funny, and Ethan said he has something to tell all of us. Now that I think about it I am actually kind of nervous."


"I don't know if the news is going to be good or bad and what if its bad?"

"What if its good?"

"What if its bad?"

"Stop looking on the bad side of things and no matter what he says I know you can handle it good or bad."

"Thanks I love you."

"I know."

"Really I take it back"

"Kidding I love you too"

He pecked me on the cheek and we continued watching.... actually I have no idea what we were watching. I was thinking about how I was able to just say I love you. No hesitations, maybe I was wrong the feelings for Vincent are in the past and Ethan is my future.

After talking for like half an hour I eventually fell asleep. 

By the time i woke up i realized that Vincent had drifted off to sleep as well. It was time to get ready for the date but i almost didn't wake Vincent up. When he sleeps he has this cute little snore and i could have listened to it forever but moving on, moving on is exactly what i'm going to do. 

"Vincent, Vincent wake your lazy but up." 



"Oh my gosh." With that he jumped off the couch and was up the stairs within 2 seconds 

It took us like an hour to get  ready. Me with my makeup and Vincent taking like a 45 minute shower.

"Okay, you ready to do this?" I asked him

" Its a date, were not going into war."

"Whatever lets just go there expecting us to be there in 20 min." He said


I thought that the date was going to be perfect.  Surrounded by my friends and boyfriend, it was supposed be amazing. Everyone was bowling and having fun but Ethan just seemed off. There was something wrong but I had no idea what was going on........until he made his big announcement. 

"Okay everyone..I..I. Have something to say." He said hesitantly  

"I love you Emily and all of you....but." I was so scared, I had to hold my breath

"I'm moving to California next weekend." I could feel the tears in my eyes and I could see the tears in his. I saw him approaching me and he wrapped me in his arms. Everyone had a look of shock on there faces and so did i.

"I never want to let go of you." he said

"Then don't." We both started crying and he pulled me onto his lap. After staying like that for what felt like forever I finally said...

"UM.. Ethan I'm not really in the mood for ice cream right now I just want to go home."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow, and again I'm so sorry." He said still crying

"look" I put my hands on his face and he started wiping away my tears

"I don't blame you its not your fault. I just....I just  want to go home."

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you more." he kissed me on the cheek and I kissed him back. Without another word I got off his lap and walked to the car with Vincent close behind.


(Vincent's P.O.V) 

Emily spent the whole time in the car just staring out the window. She said she was fine but I know she's breaking on the inside. When we got to the house she just threw herself on the couch. 

"Emily, its okay to cry."

"I know I.....I just cant believe he's leaving I love him so much."

"I know you do." She started sobbing and it made me want to start crying as well. Seeing her like this broke my heart, more than seeing her with Ethan. I felt a tear run down my face but I wiped it away before she noticed it. Eventually she fell asleep and her eyes were all puffy from crying. I took her into my arms to bring her upstairs. For a while I just starred at her, so beautiful. I will love this girl no matter what, I will always love her in some way. I took her upstairs and laid her on the bed. That's when I realized that she didn't have her favorite blanket and I knew she needed it. I went into the closet to get the blanket and I saw something, a piece of paper. It had my name on it, so I read it without even thinking. 

Lindsay isn't the problem, its me. The real reason I hate her so much is because I used to have a huge crush on Vincent. I still remember like it was yesterday. We were in the park and he was pushing me on the swings, I decided to let go and I ended up flying off . Instead of hitting the ground Vincent ended up catching me. He looked into my eyes and smiled at me. It was right then and there that I knew I wanted Vincent to be with me until the day I die but not just as friends, way more than friends. I never told anyone because they would say I was to young to feel these feelings but I wasn't. Then Lindsay came along and she was only mean to us because I started it, before that she was actually really sweet. The fight, I started I threw the first punch. When she came I saw that Vincent was so in love with her. I decided to give up completely, I buried my feelings deep deep down and now she's back. Now my feelings for Vincent....

It wasn't finished and now I have no idea how she feels. Maybe I shouldn't have read it but now I know how  she used to feel and now everything is flipped upside down.

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