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Here's chapter 10 enjoy =)

(BTW, this chapter is really short)

(Vincent's P.O.V)

After i had made the decision to tell Lindsay I have been so nervous. What if I decide to back out? What if i cant get over Emily? But maybe i should just try, at least try.

Me and Emily were in the car driving home when she asked about Lindsay and she seamed pretty upset.

"Vincent, why was Lindsay talking to you at your locker and what is she doing here?"

"Well, she was at my locker because she wanted to get back together. As for the other question we have some of the same classes. She told me that her dad got a job back here and she decided to come to our school when she found out i was there. Now shes supposed to be here for the rest of senior year."

"OK, so are you going to say yes?" She questioned

"To what?" I was really trying to avoid the question

"Lindsay, are you going to say yes to Lindsay?" Time to confess

"After much consideration, yes I am." Her eyes nearly jumped out of her head

"Could you stop looking at me like that."

"No, why would you say yes?"

"Because i like her." I said in a duh tone

"She is horrible." She just confused me

"What are you talking about " I asked

Then Emily told me everything, the fight and how it was over me. Everything that happened between them and I was in complete shock.

"Emily that was years ago she seems to be over it why can't you just let the past be the past?"

"I can't and I won't let you say yes to her ." She said in a very harsh tone

"You don't get to tell me what to do I need to be happy I'm not just going to stay home while you and Ethan go on a date every weekend." I said just as harsh

After that no words were said. She didn't take it back and neither did I. I meant it, Lindsay has changed and truthfully I pretty much knew everything that Emily told me. I was always suspicious she just confirmed it. I  need Lindsay right now and she's my best friend I love her to death but she needs to let me be happy.

When we got home I stayed down stairs and Emily ran upstairs to her room. We were having our first fight and I hated it. She is my everything and I'm nothing without her.

(Emily,s P.O.V) 

I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. I climbed on the bed and immediately started crying. How could he chose her over me? If I would have told him years ago this wouldn't be happening, but why is it happening? Maybe I was a bad friend, I cant stand in the way of him being happy.

I jumped of the bed and started rummaging through my dresser but I couldn't find it.

"Where is it?" I yelled in frustration

I tore apart my closet and after about 5 min I found it, my diary. In my diary I only right the deepest things that I never want anyone to know. I grabbed the pen in the book and started writing.

Lindsay isn't the problem, its me. The real reason I hate her so much is because I used to have a huge crush on Vincent. I still remember like it was yesterday. We were in the park and he was pushing me on the swings, I decided to let go and I ended up flying off . Instead of hitting the ground Vincent ended up catching me. He looked into my eyes and smiled at me. It was right then and there that I knew I wanted Vincent to be with me until  the day I die but  not just as friends, way more than friends. I never told anyone because they would say I was to young to feel these feelings but I wasn't. Then Lindsay came along  and she was only mean to us because I started it, before that she was actually really sweet. The fight, I started I threw the first punch. When she came I saw that Vincent was so in love with her. I decided to  give up completely, I buried my feelings deep deep down and now she's back. Now my feelings for Vincent....

Knock Knock

Before I could finish righting I heard a knock at the door that could only belong to Vincent.

 "Come in" I said quickly throwing my diary back into my closet. 

"Look Emily I just want to say.." I stopped him before he could finish

"No, its my fault. I really want you to be happy and if that's with Lindsay then OK. The only reason I said those things is because I'm afraid to lose you."

"Look Emily" He grabbed my hand and sat on the bed. But the weird thing was the second our fingers touched I just got this huge rush through my body. Something that I haven't felt since, since the time that I liked him.

"You will never lose me, I will always need you. I cant imagine having another bestfriend. There is no one else that I can have random fun nights with, monopoly wars, pancake fights. What we have is special and I love you." He squeezed my hand and kissed me on the cheek

"See, with anybody else that would have been awkward."

"Yeah so awkward." I said halfheartedly

"Ok now come downstairs and well eat donuts......." I zoned out after donuts

"You had me at donuts, lets go."

I grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs. Maybe him dating Lindsay wont be bad at all, as long  as we always stay together.

Best friend or BoyfriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora