The Day We Met

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Heres chapter 3 enjoy! :)

(Emily's P.O.V)

When I woke up I was lying on the couch with a blanket rapped around the lower half of my body. Usually when me and Vincent fell asleep watching TV he would carry me upstairs to my room before he left but since he was in crutches he couldn't do that. He would always lay me down gently, tell me he loved me and kiss my nose. As soon as he grabbed me to bring me upstairs I would always wake up, I pretended to be sleep because I did not want to walk. I have also always loved the feeling of being in his arms. He must have just rapped the blanket around me before he left, his mother had to pick him up because he couldn't get to his car alone.

Luckily it was Saturday so when I still had time to sleep. I got up and grabbed the blanket , I was so tired I had to drag myself up the stairs. As soon as I got to the top of the stairs I heard the doorbell ring. All I thought was who would be at my house at... 6:30 am!

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I grabbed a knife just in case. You never know, people just don't come to your door at 6:30 am. I slowly approached the door, I lifted my hand and put it on the knob. I slowly raised the knife as I opened the door.

"Hey-" he stopped for a second before screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Vincent calm down its me." I lowered the knife to calm him down

"What the heck Emily, why were you getting ready to chop me into a million pieces?"

"sorry, if you haven't noticed it's 6:30 am and I was kind of freaked by someone ringing my doorbell. Plus I am tired and you know how I get when I am tired." When I am tired I can do some really crazy stuff and be pretty violent.

"Well you know our parents have to go to work."

I completely forgot about that. Every Saturday morning both of our parents had work. They worked at the same company and had to be at work by 7:30. He always came to my house in the morning. My parents should be coming downstairs any second so they can get to work on time.

"Sorry I forgot, come in." I opened the door all the way and helped him inside.

I helped him to the couch so we could sit down. Out of no where my parents came down stairs and rushed out the door without a single word witch was odd.

"so, you want breakfast" I knew he must have been starving.

"yeah, I got it"

"no I got it." he does realize he's on crutches right?

"It's fine I can do it"

"I said I would do it." he snapped at me

That was the first time he had ever yelled at me before. I tried to control the waterfall of tears that was about to come out of my eyes but it was too late. I already felt the salty warm liquid hit my lips. I saw an immediate expression of apology wash over his face.

"Emily I am so sorry I didn't mean that."

"Its okay" I said it with tears still in my eyes

"No, its not. The first day we met I promised you that I would never hurt you and I just did, I am a horrible best friend."

I started to think back on the day we first met.

It was my first day of pre-k. I was sitting on the reading carpet playing with my blocks. I was building a tower but I was one block short. I got up to go to the bucket to get another block, but next thing I knew I was face down on the floor.

When I woke up I was in the nurses office my nose was hurting and had dry blood on it. I could see that there was a brown haired boy with black rimmed glasses sitting next to me. He had an expression of worry on his face.

"who are you?" I asked him with interest and a hint of confusion.

"I am Vincent . I ran into you and you hit the floor. You passed out and had a bloody nose, I am so sorry."

"Its fine, I just want to go back to my block tower."

"Can I help you? I don't have any friends." He said it pretty shyly

"Sure. I don't have friends either , we can be friends."

"Good, oh and sorry again, I promise I will never hurt you again."

We went back to the block tower and together we built a block castle.

I ended up smiling thinking back to that to day and I didn't realize it.

"Hey Emily you okay?"

"Yeah sorry, I was going to say that you are not a horrible best friend"

"I am sorry, you know that I don't like always relying on people. But I guess that's how it is going to be for the next 3 and a half weeks."

I know Vincent and he doesn't like having people doing things for him He hates being a burden.

After he said that I had no words so I just wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled my self into his chest. I felt him tense up be he immediately rapped his arms around me.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I was on the verge of tears but as soon as Emily pulled her self into me they went away.

But something did happen, something that's never happened to me before with Emily. I got butterflies in my stomach, I felt like I was on the top of the world. I tried to shake the feeling away but it wouldn't stop. It finally stopped when she pulled away. She gave me a warm smile.

"Now lets forget about that and we can make breakfast together." When she said that she put her hand on top of mine and the feeling came back.

"Sure" I grabbed my crutches and we went into the Kitchen to make Pancakes and waffles. She liked waffles but I like pancakes more.


After breakfast we decided to watch a horror movie. Well I decided, she protested but I won.

To me the movie wasn't that scary but she was freaked out. She was holding on to me so tight and I kind of liked it except for the fact that my stomach was doing backflips.

"Turn it off. Turn it off!" she couldn't take it anymore so I quickly pressed pause

We have never made it through a full horror movie together.

We decided to watch action movies. We ended up watching 6 before Emily's parents came running through the door. There next words scared me to death.

"Vincent, we have some bad news about your parents"

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