Heart breaking

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Hey Guys I just wanted to tell you guys that I added to the description. Don't worry, it does not change anything that has happened so far in the story but thank you for sticking around and I hope you like this chapter. :)


(Vincent's P.O.V)

"I love you too."

I meant it in the way that she could never know. Now that she is supposed to go out with Ethan she cant know how I really feel. I am not mad at Emily for saying yes. I am not mad at Ethan for asking her out. I am not even mad about him not telling me. I am mad at myself for not realizing I loved her sooner. Maybe if I realized it sooner me and Emily would be together, I just feel so stupid and I know that it is going to break my heart every time I see them together. 

It took me a while to realize that Emily still had her arms wrapped around my neck. Her grip was getting tighter and tighter by the minute, it felt like I was in a death lock. 

"Emily, let go please or your going to choke the life out of me." My face was turning red and the air was not reaching my lungs.

"Sorry." She finally lessened her grip on my neck and I could finally breathe.

"Thank you." I was still trying to catch my breath. 

Her arms were still loosely wrapped around my neck and she was sitting on my lap. She pressed our foreheads together and my heart stopped for a second.

"Your my best friend and your amazing. Thank you for being supportive." I couldn't help but smile.

"As long as your happy I am happy." She smiled that pretty smile and I felt like my heart was going to explode.

That's when I realized how close our lips were. How close she was to me and how pretty she looked. She was wearing red lip stick and had her in curls. She had on black sweat pants and a pink long sleve shirt that said Flawless on it, which was completely true. In my eyes there is nothing wrong with her. Everything about her is beautiful. She is absolutely perfect in every single way.

 She was staring into my blue eyes with her perfect hazel colored ones. At first it was kind of awkward but it was still amazing. Emily and I in perfect silence. That's when our perfect moment was ruined by the sound of her phone. I didn't know whether to be relieved or infuriated. But I was even more upset when I saw the caller ID. Emily quickly apologized and picked up her phone. As she left the room and ran towards the kitchen I noticed the smile on her face growing which only made me smile for her.

The moment was ruined but I enjoyed it while it lasted.


(Emily's P.O.V)  

I practically ran to the kitchen when I saw that Ethan was calling. I did not want to seem so eager so I didn't answer on the first ring but I didn't want him to hang up so answered on 3 ring perfect. Maybe I am being just a little to crazy.  

When I answered the phone I immediately heard his sweet voice on the other end.


"Hey, what's up?"

"I was just calling to ask you if you were free Saturday, maybe we could go to a movie for our date." 

"Sure, that's perfect."  I tried not to show the excitement in my voice.

"Cool, Ill pick you up at 8."

"Can't wait."

"I have to go now, because if I don't come down stairs for dinner my mom is going to kill me." I could even hear a distant call of his name, which made me giggle and I heard him laugh too.

"Okay, Bye."


When he hung up the phone I almost screamed. The only thing that was stopping me was Vincent in the other room. I was basically skipping back to Vincent. When I got to him he looked at me with amusement but I could have sworn that I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes. But it left faster then it appeared. 

"You look even happier then when you left, if that's even possible." He looked truly curious.

"Me and Ethan have a date this Saturday." I was so happy but Vincent did not look to happy, his mouth was wide open.

"Why would you agree to that?!" He all but screamed.

"What do you mean.?" I was so confused.

"We have our monthly random fun night this Saturday." I all of a sudden felt my heart shatter.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

I could not believe she forgot how could she forget?

On Random fun night we right down on cards a bunch of fun activities we could do that night. Then we put those cards in a hat and shake them around and randomly chose one. The best thing was that we never and I mean never rescheduled. We never rescheduled because it meant that we would always have time for each other and if we missed one night we had to wait till next month, those were the rules. We never missed one but I guess now it means that were going in two different directions and I don't want to know where that's going to lead in the future.

"I am so sorry, I guess I was just so happy that I finally got a date with him after all these years I forgot." She had just unintentionally made me feel guilty, maybe I was over reacting.

"It's okay Em, he is what you always wanted and I am not going to take that away." There was no way I could be the one to stop her from going after the guy of her dreams.

"Really?" she wiped away the tears and a look of relief washed over her face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She hugged me a placed a light kiss on my cheek.

I didn't know if I was doing the wrong or right thing but I knew she was happy and that was what mattered. She's my best friend and if putting aside my feelings so she could be with Ethan, then that's exactly what I will do.


(Emily's P.O.V)

"Stay away from me."  He was walking away and he wouldn't listen.

"Please come back." I just wanted to talk.

"No stay away from me. You forgot our special night."  He was so mad.

"I am sorry, I forgot just please come back to me." The tears were soaking my cheeks and shirt.

"No! Your not my best friend anymore. I don't need you." He was screaming and running away from me at the same time.

"No, please I need you. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. Come back please." I was crying uncontrollably and sunk down to my knees. I was screaming and crying but he was most likely far out of hearing range, and there was nothing I could do to get him back.

"Emily, Emily wake up." I heard Vincent's voice and I was confused as to what was going on.

"What, what happened?" I opened my eyes to see Vincent laying next to me.

"You were screaming and crying in your sleep, you were having a nightmare." My throat hurt and I could feel the warm tears running down my neck.

"Are you okay? What were you dreaming about?" I couldn't tell him he would feel bad.

"Um nothing.. I cant even remember, But I am fine." I didn't want to lie but I had to..

"No your not, come here it's all going to be OK." He grabbed me and I laid my head on his bare chest. That's when I realized that a tear had escaped and ran down my cheek

"It's all going to be okay." he repeated as he stroked my hair. Within a couple of minutes we were both able to slowly drift back to sleep.

Best friend or BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora