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Here's chapter 33 enjoy :)


(Vincent's P.O.V)

After Emily's party it felt like all the weight was lifted off my shoulders. Now no one can take her, I know she loves me and I love her.

The week before graduation was actually going agonizingly slow. I just wanted to be able to leave school and spend all my time with Emily. While everyone was trying to figure out what they were going to wear for graduation, I was trying to wright my speech. I am this years valedictorian, it's a huge honor but its so stressful.

I was on my laptop typing away. I would wright one word but then erase a whole sentence. So far all I have is Insert speech here, its really sad. That's when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said getting ready to pull my hair out

"Hey babe, I don't mean to disturb you but I just want to see how your doing with the speech."

"You can read it if you want." She sat on my bed and pulled the laptop towards her

"Insert speech here."She said reading off the screen

"Well i think it's amazing don't change a word."She said making both of us laugh.

"I know right" I turned on my back to look up at the ceiling

"I just don't know what to do. Usually I'm so good at writing good things that people want to hear but now I just cant."

"Don't wright what people want to hear, write what you want to say. Make sure the speech comes from your heart and not just your brain."With that she kissed me on the cheek and left the room

Being that Graduation is tomorrow I need to try something. After staring at the screen for 5 minutes the words just started flowing out. I kept it short and simple, when I read it over it was perfect. It only took about an hour so I had time to find clothes.

I ended up choosing my black skinny jeans, white button up and black vest. It took like three tries but it least I found the right outfit. I'm usually not this crazy about picking the right clothes but it's graduation.

I was going to hang out with Emily but of course she was with Savanna getting clothes so I stayed in my room all day. Watching TV, playing with my soccer ball, Instagram, snap chat anything to keep me occupied. Finally it was time to take a shower. I looked at my phone and realized I had just got a text from Emily.

To Vincent:

Good night See you in the morning I love you

To Emily:

I love you to night

After sending the text I plugged my phone in to charge. I walked to bathroom and turned on the water. After throwing my clothes somewhere on the floor I stepped into the steaming hot shower. I stayed in the shower for like 45 minutes before finally getting out. I walked back to my room with my towel around my waist. I pulled on a pair of boxers and got into the bed. After the long shower it was incredibly easy for me to drift off to sleep.


(Emily's P.O.V)

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I picked it up and threw it at the floor. That's when I realized that It was graduation day. I jumped out of my bed and luckily my alarm clock wasn't broken. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on my bath robe and ironed my clothes.

I picked out a white ruffled skirt and a sleeveless shirt with a floral print on it. I had on a gold necklace, blue heels and my hair was up in a pony tail.

After putting them on I did my makeup and put on my gown, while holding my cap in my hand I rushed out the room

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After putting them on I did my makeup and put on my gown, while holding my cap in my hand I rushed out the room. Everyone was already down stairs.

"I am so sorry I woke up late"

"It's okay babe you look beautiful." Vincent said pulling me into his chest

"So do you." I said quickly kissing his lips

After we all showered each other with complements our moms took like a million pictures and we were all out the door.

We finally got to school with 2 minutes to spare the ceremony was being held outside. We got to our seats and that's when the principal started talking. She made a little speech and that's when she called up the valedictorian. Nervousness was radiating off of Vincent as he walked up on stage. I mouthed a "You can do this" Before he adjusted the microphone and started talking.

"When I stand here and look out at all of you all I can think is we made it." Everyone started laughing and cheering that's when the smile appeared on Vincent's face

"We really did, these last 4 years have been stressful and crazy. But we all pushed through, and we all deserve this. I could just stand here and tell you that to become valedictorian it just takes hard work and it does but that's not all. You have to have people that support you no matter what. I wouldn't be up here if it wasn't for my mom, my fiance Emily, her parents and all my other friends.I would be no where with out you guys. This is a huge honor and I thank everyone that got me here today thank you."

I felt tears in my eyes as I clapped and cheered with everyone else. After Vincent was done and got his diploma they called up the salutatorian. She made her speech, got her diploma and they continued with everyone else. The principal made one more speech and we all moved our tassels to the left side of our hats. We were finally high school graduates and it felt so good. I ran up to Vincent jumping into his arms and kissing him for as long as he could hold me.


(Vincent's P.O.V)

After putting Emily down I grabbed her hand and walked over to our Friends.

We all gathered around each other to take a group photo. As I placed my arm around Emily's waist I realized that it's all over but at the same time it's just beginning. I get to go out into the world with Emily by my side and I know that every things going to work out. Our lives are going to be amazing and there is no one that can say otherwise.


That's the last chapter, I am so sad but so happy at the same time. My first book on Wattpad completed. Thank you to all of the readers and my friends that helped me with this.

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