Chapter # 2~

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Maha's P.O.V:
My phone was ringing continuously but I was being so lazy to pick it up. And finally it stopped but soon enough it did that again stating to ring.
"Ugh God not again!"
I picked it up and bought it near my ear.
"Good afternoon ma'am!" he spoke in an irony tone.
The person next said and I was quite surprised at the word afternoon have I been that late?.
"Good afternoon." I replied
"Is it Maha Ahmed?"he asked
"Yes... but why did you call me?"
I never got such a call so tried to be straight forward .
"Ma'am I am talking from Zayn group of industries." he illustrated.

What the hell it has to do with me?

"Ma'am our boss wanna meet you!"

"Mr Zayn Ahmed the owner of Zayn group of industries who is...!" he was to give me a whole paragraph on his boss' introduction.

"Would you tell me why you called i don't like to hear more about your boss..." i asked rather irritated.

"You have to come to our office?"

"I didn't apply in your office, you are wrong thank you!" i was about to shut the phone but he said agian

"No ma'am that's not that my boss wants to meet you!"

"Ugh! why? why on Earth he wants to me?"

"We don't know that ma'am?" he replied sheepishly.
"Okay that is great tell your boss I won't come to meet him unless i know the purpose thank you!"
And I disconnected the call .
I don't know how people get that ample time to irritate someone. I went back to my sleep. But now my sleep was no where to be seen.I was frustrated only if my sleep was under MY control I saw the window pane of my room ,curtains drawn allowing a very few light rays but the room was barely  non luminous and I stood up and went to freshen up. 

And from that day the calls started and never ended .Everyday I would receive minimum five calls daily or even more than that telling me every time the same thing 'our boss wants to meet you' for no apparent reason and blah blah blah.I guess the person is afraid of his boss !!

"Mahi your brother is continuosly trying to reach you but you are not picking up the phone he is getting anxious about you."
Ayesha asked me .I was currently sitting at her house.
"Shit actually my phone is on silent "
"Why ?"
"Let me talk to Bhai and than I will reply you mama."
After talking to my brother and ensuring him that i am perfectly all right Ayesha bombarded on me the most silly and mother type questions like
"Why was your phone on silent?"
"Is everything alright ?"

"What are you hidding?"

"What is bothering you?"

And many many more questions and I told her all the situation.
"Come on lets search him."
I not trying to believe what my ears just heard or not trying to believe that my friend has the most unpredictable mood swings asked for reconfirmation .

"Let's google him."
"No Ayesha....stop acting so weird... why are you getting so despo?"
Before I could actually stop her she took her laptop and started to search him.
"But we don't know his name ."
"We know the name of his company dumbo..."
"But why do you wanna do this..."
"I wanna see who is stalking my bhabi ..."
She said. And that was enough to make me quite.
"He is hot "
"Yeah he is "
I said unwillingly.
Authors note:
Sorry for a late update and sorry for a short one.
But please don't forget to vote and comment plz that really makes my day .....!

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