Chapter # 13

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It is uneddited part. So sorry for the mistakes
Happy Reading!
Zayn's P.O.V:
After she left the office I was finally left alone. Thinking about her and a smile crept on my face a victorious smile.
So what next!
I started thinking on what to do now.
Three days latter.
Pressing my hand at the horn and honked. We were standing in front of her house.
"Will they let us in!"
Alina asked and she was right. I parked the car in front of the gate of there house. We came out of the car and headed towards her small house.
The door was open and the guard was not even sitting there.
"A beautiful house of beautiful girl!" Hamza laughed.
"Hamza you are so cheap we are here to meet her as Zayn's fiance." Alina cleared.
"You will always remain the tiny irritating girl!" Hamza irritated.
I smiled and we saw her painting in her garden regardless of the things going on around her.
She stepped back for a moment and sipped her coffee and again to her painting.
We moved towards her. Alina eyed me to her and I refused. She widened her eyes and gave her an "OK!" expression and went close to her. I cleared my throat but maybe she was so busy that she didn't hear it. I went more closer to her ear.
""Good evening!" I said and she did the most ridicolus thing that infuriated each part of my body. She threw her paint on my shirt don't care whether she did it by choice or by chance.
She felt emberresed.
"You can go and change your shirt we will be waiting here!"
Hamza teased and I starred at him. I looked at her and gave her a 'what to do know' expression and she started inside her house saying.
I followed her to her a room.
"Washroom!" She said still danm afraid of me. And I seriously enjoyed that so I didn't bothered to change my expression.
I took out my coat and she instantly looked away expecting that I am going to change here.
As you wish than!
I took of my shirt there and she got busy in the closet. She took out a shirt and looked at it.
"Yehi thek he!" She said maybe she didn't know that I was standing there because if she knew that she would have never said in such an audible tone. She closed it and looked back and turned back hesitantly looking at me in the vest.
I was in the room and she was in the wardrobe place. So definitely some one has to walk to the other one and that is even obvious that I am not going to that one. She stood there for a moment or two and understanding the situation she moved towards me.
Wait with eyes down.
While passing the shirt to her our hands touched for a moment and she looked at me and than went away. I am sure that I sent shivers to her body. While going out she picked up my shirt.
"Why are you taking it with you!"I asked in a stiff voice no not asked commanded in a wierd way indeed.
"Someone...from my house... will clean it than....!"
"No need I will handle!"
"That is my fault and I will clear it myself!"
Maha's P.O.V:
"We are here to do the same for you to clear your faults...!"
He said chubbing my words and a tear felt from my eye. I wiped it and went out. After a few steps I felt someone was following and I knew who he was.
We came out of that corridor and went to the T.V lounge where that sat.
"Love birds are back!"
The boy said. I actually forgot his name and honestly I didn't bother to remember. And I was right for what he said was cheap. Anything that belongs to Zayn Ahmed is cheap.
I sat next to the girl.
"I knew we have not met that much times earlier...but the relationship we are going to be bounded in that needs..."
"For what she needs to say is that we actually need a introduction... She is so complicated I know...!"
She was intrupted by Hamza. And I smiled listening to him.
"He is the funny one...!"
She added.
"But you don't take tension Zayn is a normal infect perfect boy...!"
Hamza added.
Perfect? is he perfect? Is he even good?
We entered in lateral introductory discussion. They were good but the personality whom they belonged to or whom I am going belong to.
The one worst and killing person (in negative way).
Authors Note.
So here is another chapter. How was it? What do you think will happen next? Update me through your comments and votes. I have written it very difficultly so you have to appreciate me otherwise I will update the next chapter after many days.

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