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Maha's P.O.V:
I tried to sit but his arm around my chest didn't allowed. Sighed and looked at him again. It was something I replayed everyday as someone want to see a particular dream again and again. Bringing my hand towards his forehead and played with his hair at which he spontaneously smiled and I smiled as well. I leant down at him and kiss on his right cheek at the same instance he kissed mine and murmured a good morning to me and I replied. I removed his arm from my chest and went to the washroom. 


"Just an 'a' more!" I replied focusing more 'a'.

"Okay aha!"

"You called me what!"

"Aha mah!"

"Mah means mother Zayn!"

"Does that I never had a mother so...!"

I curled myself in his arms near his chest.



"Thanks God you pronounced that correctly!"

"Oh did I!"

"Ok listen don't plan anything for tonight!"


"A business party!"



"Ugh... when will you go to the office!"

"You want  me to go!"


"You want me to stay If you want i can, no problem!"

"i know that well!"

"No still lets just take a holiday!" he took out his phone

"No go!"

I pushed him to the washroom. In the past few months i realized that his love is more passionate than his hate. His attention and affection towards me always makes me feel special and feel distinct. 


I entered into the hall and saw him surrounded  by a group of people and the expressions were hillarious. Pissed off by the gathering or the sort of people. Maybe missing me.He turned 30 degree and saw meand his lights enlightened. I made a hello wave to him and he looked at me. I made my way to him.

"Excuse me gentlemen my wife is here!"

The sudden introduction made me reluctant and so were the  'gentlemen'. They looked at me and I smiled but I love being introduced through him. It seems like an assurity that I belong to him.

"I will have to leave you!"

"That's all right, you can continue!"

"No that's alright!"

He took my hand in his and dragged me to the exit door. 

"Zayn where are we going the people are waiting for  you!"

"And what about Zayn Ahmed waiting for his wife!"

"But your wife doesn't want you!"

"She will have to she has taken the charge!"

He opened the cars door for me and I sat inside meanwhile he got the keys from the driver.

"Where are we going?"

"I love you!"

He kissed my forehead.

"But where are we going?"

"I love you more!"

He kissed my left cheek.

"Zayn but wher...!"

"You want me to kisss now infront of the drivers and security guards i don't mind but that's your issue? Should I!"

He smiled and I turned my face as i knew he can do anything!

"That's injustice!"

"Injustice is not letting your own husband to kiss you!"

"As you have never done that anyways!"


"Zayn drive!"


 "Where are we!"

We reached a place and he signed me to get off the car.

"It seems that you really want to kiss me!"

I looked at another direction and he secured his arm around my back and we walked to the place he knew. He took me to a room and opened the door.

"Happy birthday Mah!"

I entered into the room which was filled with my pictures that were so many. I found out that he was my photographer even before I knew him. Pictures of me in my university at every place. He is so good at that.

"Though i wished that it was a bed room but I hope that you like it!"

His voice made me look at him and I turned back taking small steps so was he. 

"Thank you Husband!"

"Welcome wife!" I curled up in his arms

"I love you!"

"Love you most!" he said kissing my forehead.


I know I am a culprit of not writing for almost so many days and making you wait. but ythe thing is I can not write the romance this epilogue requires so I thought of not writting it but today I ended up writing it as I wished to move my fingers at the laptop keybord keys. I f you like it vote for it and comment telling me how much i have irritated and rate me out of 10 that how I wrote and how was the theme of the story. Tell me if you liked or you didn't. I will be waiting. And i am not gonna apologize for taking so long to upload as it seems fake.

Possession ends

<3 <3

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