Chapter # 17

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I am actually so struck with this chapter. I have so much planned about it but don't know what I will write now. So tell me if you like it because it is getting on my nerves.
Happy Reading!

Maha's P.O.V:
I always saw such brides that were extraordinary sad at there marriage days. Whether the girl is the most confident one she losses all her confidence. I never understood why that was so. Now all of me was understanding it.
Standing on the stage diverting the attention of all the people. Their eyes made me conscious about each and every move and my body language and also the person sitting next to me. It is getting danm awkward. Aysha came to me and informed me that the Moulvi Sahab (priests) is already here.
They came toward us and he stood to meet and hug them thus situation actually bought a smile to my face.
Good Manners!
His voice bested in my eardrums. These words seems so immature like a first person they do. And to here such words through the worlds most practical and sophisticated person.
"Qabool he!" (I accept it)
"Qaboil he!"
"Qabool he!"
Than the priest turned to me and I started shivering. I don't know what happened to me. It was just so instant.
"....Kya ap ko qabool he!"This was what I managed to hear.
"Qabool he!"
"Qabool he?"
"Qabool he!"
"Qabool he?
"Qabool he!"
I said and zipped up my lips.
"Mubarak ho!" (Congratulations)
After that the did the dua. Though I had only to bring my hands up but I seemed too powerless to me. I felt lifeless.
My mother ,Aysha came to me and hugged me. That actually bought some life to my body.
After sometime people informed me that it was the Rukhsati time (departure time).
My heart started beating improperly. Sometimes I could feel it in my mouth and sometimes my heart stopped beating.
I stood up with help of Aysha. And started walking with my eyes looking here and there finding my mom.
Where is she?
My hand was in his hand I don't remember when my hand come in his.
We headed to the cars and I stopped to meet my Dad Bhai and Aysha. The most difficult part . I ever imagined. Where is my mom? Where is she after all?
I looked here and there again for my mom. I missed her. I want to meet her.
I went to sit in the car and the driver started driving the car and the tears were continuously falling from my eye. I whipped them trying to console them.
"Are you alright?" His mother asked.
"yes!"I replied.
We reached at the and than to the lounge. That was such a huge house inside a majestic one.
After all those rituals they took me to the bedroom and I was finally left alone.
What will happen next? What will happen when he comes to the room. What will he be saying? Moreover what will he be doing? There were loads of questions boiling in my mind.
When a thought bounced in my mind myself. A dirty taught.
What happens on this night?
And I know I blushed hardest.
"Stop thinking about it Maha you were never like that. Stop being that cheap. Just shut up now!" I talked to my own self.
But these thoughts I swear were never under my control. I bought my head in between my legs occupied by those thoughts. Closing my eyes to stop that with even more potential.
I opened my eyes and looked at the wall that ticked five and he was still not here. Atear left my eye.
Why couldn't it have been the way I imagine?
I asked myself and stood up to go to the washroom to change my clothes. Throughing water and wipping the makeup tears were continuing to flow from my eyes that I didn't want to clean. God please give me the strength to fight against it.
I searched for the jae namaz (the sheet where Muslims offer there prayer). And started my prayer with my eyes continuously flowing tears.
I felt so ignored.
After offering Namaz I got some unknown strength in my body. Whatever the problems are I have to face neither by chance nor by choice. I have to face and fight the problems as they are now written in me destiny.
It was 10 'o' clock now and he was still not here. To be honest I was expecting him here. The earlier I expected I got hurt. The door knocked and a servant came in informing me that his mother is calling me down. I nodded and she left. Looking at my reflection in the mirror satisfied me. And the truth was that I didn't want to get ready.

He was home all the night but he didn't come to me. This thought broke me inside. Anyhow it was my reception today and I had to go to the saloon to get ready for that and Zayn's mother would be coming with me.
"You are actually one in the billion!" Zayn'dad said
"She had to be one in a million after all our son selected her!"
Auntie said.
Ah yes that makes me one in a million.
I said nothing just smiled. What else could I have done?
"You look beautiful together!" My father in law said.
Every fake thing fanticies.
After having spend some time with them. I actually felt a bit relived a bit more happy.
"Maha Where is he by the way?"He asked me.
What to reply?
Before I could reply she did that at my behalf may be.

"What about your saloon appointments!" My father in law asked.

We will be leaving at four!" She replied.
"Four isn't it that early! ... won't you get tired sitting there for so much hours!"
I smiled back.
"I have been doing that since two days!" I replied.
They finished their breakfast and went to the lounge and I followed. We entered into a discussion. I didn't want to be a part of it but I had to sit there. After half an hour I excuse myself and went to the room. Sitting at the bed with my head at the bed crown my brain was empty of thoughts. I was actually clueless. What to happen next? Just this question bombarded in my mind.
Someone knocked the door and I opened my eyes that were trying to be closed for sleep.
"May I come in!" The servant asked

"Yes!" I replied.
"Ma'am send you your dress and other things for today!" She said.

"She said that if you want anything or want to make anything changes you can ask me!"
"Changes? How can changes be made after all I have to wear it today...and secondly that is wedding dress...!"
I said shocked at her question. She smiled back.
"Nothing is impossible for them Ma'am!" She replied and i was slightly embarrassed.
Maha you are silly!
"So when you are done come down ma'am is waiting for you!"
Waiting? What time is it?
I looked at the wall clock that ticked three.
Ugh I had to do so much ! I slept for so long!
"Ok!" I said running to the washroom she looked shocked but composed her and went.
Coming back I quickly started drying my hair. I hate wet hair.
I didn't get time to give my face any make up accept for a lipstick.
I ran out of the room. Corridor to the corridor.
Why is this house so huge!


Hello people!

How is the new cover?. Actually i was to upload the cover quite earlier but I am a forgetful and careless you know. This is made by my lovely cousin @Aaimavellous so I thank you for making it for me. Well I dont remember the last time we were that formal! and aima i cant update anything that longer that i updated today!

Coming back to the story! how was the chapter? I can bet that you are going to love the next chapters. They are full of romance and are evil to some extent. Now pray that i succed in writing all that i have planned.

Vote if you like it. comment whether you didn't like it. lol.

Bye Bye till than take good care of yourself.

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